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AbsentThatDay t1_iwzz8l8 wrote

Only one in five people want the 2nd amendment to be repealed in the U.S., and that is what it would take to make guns illegal. It's not going to change. Disarming a population against their wishes would be tyranny.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix04xb2 wrote

Yeah but the awkward part about these polls is that people will eat dog shit if their political party told them to. There's been countless times (Especially in recent times like with Trump) where people argued for something that they believed their political leader of choice said, but then found out afterwards it was their opposition that said.

I can imagine one in five Americans would vote that they're in favor of taxes too... But in the end, it's needed. Like it or not. Just like keeping Americans safe.


But I do agree it would cause a tyranny. And as unfortunate as it is, some people will just have to die for their beliefs. It's a common thing in American history, and all the power to them... but you can't have a progressive country with those radical beliefs running rampant within it.


AnotherScoutTrooper t1_ix0fhjx wrote

> And as unfortunate as it is, some people will just have to die for their beliefs. It's a common thing in American history, and all the power to them... but you can't have a progressive country with those radical beliefs running rampant within it.

Imagine if someone said this about abortion, they’d be looked at as a fucking lunatic. People like you are the best argument for the 2nd Amendment: protecting yourself against people who want others to “just die for their beliefs.”


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix0k9il wrote

Yeah... Imagine fighting for the right to abort a fetus that isn't welcome in the world, only for it to grow up and get killed by someone who thought their right to end lives is more important than someone's right to abort a life and prevent a life of suffering. What fucking lunatics.


AnotherScoutTrooper t1_ix0mpad wrote

What? I was literally calling pro-lifers lunatics. And since when did you have the “right” to kill someone with a gun? That’s called murder, and arguing self-defense requires months of court dates, lots of evidence, and lots of money, even if it’s legal.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix0n8pd wrote

Not going down this long road with you. Seen it too many times, and there's never been any progress made.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix0be2i wrote

There's nothing radical in the U.S. about owning guns, it's completely normal. It's been the status quo since it's inception. The idea that you can't have a progressive country because of the second amendment is flawed thinking.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix0cwx5 wrote

Seems to be working well for the rest of civilized countries.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix0eeo6 wrote

Like China? Guns are forbidden there, the state has total control. It's a dystopian nightmare.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix0l0e0 wrote

Is that the only country you know of?


AbsentThatDay t1_ix0qvgo wrote

It's literally 17% of the population of the whole world, seems like it might be relevant.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix0xc95 wrote

It's not. You're going from one extreme to another trying to justify your country's poor decisions.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix12uys wrote

Nothing I have said has been extreme. I'm a lifelong Democrat in the most liberal state in the nation, I just happen to believe along with 80 percent of the nation that we should be an armed society.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix15qcc wrote

You entirely did. You went from either everyone is armed to the teeth or you're on constant overwatch and dictated how to live your life. You completely bypassed everything in between.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix191rq wrote

So your first example, where everyone is armed to the teeth, is that how you view the U.S. right now? Are we really extreme, I mean the common man in the U.S., you view that as some extreme armed to the teeth existence? I think your impression of bog-standard Americans is out of whack.

That being said I can understand how another culture would seem extreme to some people who haven't immersed themself in it. I get that a lot of people suffer because of gun violence. I still think it's worth it. A lot of diabetics die from eating too much sugar, we don't ban cupcakes.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix1dqv9 wrote

Were cupcakes designed to kill people?

It's unfortunate but the entire American culture is built on violence. Without it the country is lost, has no home. So I get why you think it's necessary. It's just unfortunate that America will always be that country hitting itself going "this hurts! If only there was a way to stop doing it!"


AbsentThatDay t1_ix1fu73 wrote

Bro we're standing tall, no offense, but is there a country in the world that has more influence? I'm trying not to be nationalistic here, but it's not too bad to be in the U.S. right now.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix1j5bw wrote

Another thing that you don't know anything else, so of course you think that.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix1ooh4 wrote

I get that you're not in favor of the U.S., it's fine, we have lots of detractors. But I will goddamn guarantee that your life 100% depends on the U.S. enforcing free trade in the world.


AsparagusFirm7764 t1_ix1p402 wrote

Tell me you have an ego problem without telling me you have an ego problem....


AbsentThatDay t1_ix1vbr8 wrote

You'd mentioned earlier you weren't from the U.S., do you mind me asking what country you are from? It's ok if you don't want to say.


ProfCharlesBrainman t1_ix2p2sn wrote

Free trade?

Kid, you are on delusional right-wing robot.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix3k2qc wrote

I normally would just ignore you, but today I'm going to be generous and educate you. Try not to be so confidently incorrect.


ProfCharlesBrainman t1_ix3l7eb wrote

So an article from a think tank that is so obviously biased I couldn’t get past the intro?

That article is so much propaganda that it’s first citation is the US Joint Forces Command.

It’s literally using it’s subject as a source.

Did you even read that or did you just do a Google search and post the first result?


AbsentThatDay t1_ix3mho8 wrote

Are you arguing that the U.S. Navy doesn't enable worldwide trade? Rather than attack my sources, just say it plainly whether you believe it to be the case or not. No wiggle room.


ProfCharlesBrainman t1_ix3o7bj wrote

I’m arguing that the entire premise is pro-military propaganda.


AbsentThatDay t1_ix3q20x wrote

My guy, you jumped into a rational conversation and you're out of your depth. You're arguing against points I make that literally are common knowledge. It makes the discussion uninteresting.


ProfCharlesBrainman t1_ix3qa4g wrote

You made points?


All I saw was a link you didn’t read before copy and pasting and you whining that I wasn’t here to entertain you.


ProfCharlesBrainman t1_ix0u68e wrote

If we’re playing that game, doesn’t that mean Afghanistan should be the safest country in the world since you can carry a full auto AK wherever you want?


GetlostMaps t1_ix0fgg6 wrote

2A did not defend personal ownership until your lifetime. It was about the militia until then. You just need judges in the supreme Court who aren't corrupt, and presto - no.need to change 2A.