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menlindorn t1_ix5a6wy wrote

actually lunar regolith is lots of aluminum dioxide. harvest some solar energy, crack the regolith, and get lots of Al and O2. Atmosphere and building materials, boom.

Nothing to eat, though.


YGIAL t1_ix5aj1u wrote

I'll have to take your word for it as you have shown far more knowledge about it than I have.

That's why we ask questions though right


Reveal101 t1_ix5gxuz wrote

Exactly. To answer the second part of your question, I believe the long term plan is to dig tunnels or use existing lava tubes to use the surface as a shield against radiation.

What I find less likely is Nasa actually accomplishing this in a decade.


YGIAL t1_ix5hv85 wrote

What is this, A moon for ants? I'm not living in a tunnel that's how you become mole people


GetlostMaps t1_ix5il2s wrote

If we gather up the mole people from here and send them, they'll have a head start.


Defiant-Peace-493 t1_ix8crjw wrote

And plenty of silicon and modest amounts of rare earths, so chips, solar, and glass are easy enough.

Regolith mining offers hydrogen and nitrogen, at around 100g per m3. Carbon is scarcer, but significant deposits exist in polar ice.

Note that there are some designs for aluminum - LOX rockets, which ought to be perfectly adequate for surface cargo runs.


kevinds t1_ix5s53u wrote

>Atmosphere and building materials, boom.

What is to hold the atmosphere in place? The moon doesn't have enough gravity..

Reply then block me so I can't see the reply... shaking my head


max122345677 t1_ix7arcs wrote

Why do people suddenly think NASA wants to terraform the moon in a decade. Ofc that is impossible for many reasons. But people can live on the moon without having an atmosphere there. You just need to be inside where is breathable air/oxygen.


MILFBucket t1_ix8frin wrote

Breathing pure oxygen for an extended period of time must be healthy. Just like home!


menlindorn t1_ix8ieju wrote

I assure you there is carbon on Luna. You can have other gases, too.