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StoopidHippie t1_ixuhtm5 wrote

I can only speak of the state in the US in which I live: it is legal to grow poppies, but illegal to harvest or have the latex in your possession.


MarmaladeMarmaduke t1_ixumhmu wrote

Interesting... so I'm gonna start a new hobby. Just eating the pods is a pretty good time from what I understand.


StoopidHippie t1_ixur9z7 wrote

Please don't. If you're not an opioid user, you would be eventually. I was a junky for 15 years. I've been clean for 25 years (yay!). If I had it to do over, I would have never touched the first opioid; they're life enders on many levels. I'm not here to peach, just hate to think of someone going through addiction. I wish you the best- the best choices and the best life.


MarmaladeMarmaduke t1_ixus6fk wrote

Thank you... I guess I shouldn't joke about drug use when I'm not on drug subs. I have not made the best decisions. I'm not an addict just depressed. I smoke a lot of weed and drink a bit too much and enjoy some percocets here and there but they are crazy expensive. I wouldn't actually start growing poppies as I'm sure it wouldn't be legal for a long hair hippy like myself in an American court. Its just fun to fantasize about.

Edit: and I've been doing occasional opiates for about 25 years. Never got addicted. I can't go near stimulants though because I will continue using those until I dig myself a hole all the way to China and pop out the other end a sex slave.


dishonestresponse t1_ixv1ni5 wrote

Just based on my own experience, start cutting back on drinking and smoke as much weed as you want. Alcohol is not helping your depression. In fact, it's most likely making it harder for you to get out of your depression. I wish I would have realized this sooner. You probably already know all of this but I know I still appreciate reminders sometimes. Best of luck. Depression and addiction can be a bitch.


MarmaladeMarmaduke t1_ixxb88q wrote

Thanks. The drinking was honestly never really my thing but I'm on probation currently so I can't indulge the weed and I absolutely need something to relax after work so this is the year of being an alcoholic for me. I'm not addicted though. I don't have any booze currently and won't be able to get any for a week and I'm fine with that even though I've been drinking a half gallon a week for about 8 months straight. I don't think I get physically addicted as easily as some but I get mentally addicted easier than most.


StoopidHippie t1_ixv2pwm wrote

Absolutely! The herb will help you, the drink will destroy you.


garry4321 t1_ixv8qe1 wrote

Not necessarily. There are tons of weed smokers wasting their life away addicted (yes psychological addiction IS still an addiction) to smoking weed. I’ve known tons of stoners just wasting their lives high in their parents basement. Couldn’t go an hour without smoking.


DonaldTrumpIsTupac t1_ixvbtsy wrote

Maybe those guys just suck as people anyway, with or without drugs.


garry4321 t1_ixvcq00 wrote

They aren’t bad people, they are just pissing their lives away addicted to weed. Weed is helpful for some people, but saying that weed is the solution for everyone is dangerous and incorrect.

The fact that they need to smoke and will literally mould their days and activities around getting high is just sad. They would be doing so much better if they just quit and didn’t have to be high 24/7.

I say this as someone who smokes weed too. I’m sick of stoner culture and the whole “weed is the ultimate cure and has zero negatives” lie that stoner culture pushes. Weed is a drug like any other. Sure it may not be as physically dangerous, but it still can fuck up people’s lives.


hayseed_byte t1_ixwjfd6 wrote

Anything done to excess is bad.

If they sat in their mom's basement drinking grape juice, I wouldn't say the grape juice ruined their lives.

Or if instead of getting high, they sat down there playing minecraft, I wouldn't say minecraft ruined their lives.


garry4321 t1_ixwk3y4 wrote

Yes, but grape juice isn’t a drug that physically gets you high, so that’s quite a false equivalency to compare juice to a literal drug. Grape juice also doesn’t have scientific evidence of it interacting negatively with lots of mental illnesses.

What I’m saying is that the whole stoner culture of acting like weed is some cure-all and is 100% helpful and better for everyone to be doing; is just plain dangerous. It’s a drug, and like any drug it has negatives and DOES ruin lives. Maybe not as much as other drugs, but we need to stop pretending it’s a perfect substance.


idigclams t1_ixvmzsh wrote

This is the hard truth. People who are assholes are assholes, in which case drugs and booze just help them be bigger assholes. At least someone smoking weed in their parents’ basement isn’t likely out robbing people for a fix, or drunk driving, or killing their own kids to appease some imagined demon - things people claim they have done because of an uncontrollable physical addiction.


browtfareyoudoing t1_ixvva7c wrote

Yeah weed isnt the smoking gun that is their bullshittery lol

They definitely don’t need to fuck around with the hard stuff though.


MrTorben t1_ixwfzbk wrote

I am happy to hear you fought this incredible battle and came out on top. Too many don't manage to conquer this miserable evil of a MF illness.


StoopidHippie t1_ixx9o64 wrote

Thank you so very much. The mantra in my head these days is: "I was one of the lucky ones". It is a horrid paradox. The solution is so very simple, but not simple at all. Most cessation programs are NA, AA. I disagree with the 12 step programs that demand you proclaim that you're powerless. Nah, just gotta be sick of being something you never thought you'd ever become. Powerless? Hell no, every one of us have the power. It's a matter of will. I wanted dope Every. Single. Day. For ten years straight, give or take a few months. Now, I wouldn't touch it for ANY amount of money.This may sound cheesy or cliche but, if I can do it- ANYONE can do it.