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indyK1ng t1_iy0zf7k wrote

So a priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar...


Vonklin t1_iy2yapj wrote

Why is this oniony? He’s a religious leader after all, isn’t that what he’s supposed to say?


sieri00 t1_iy3cwie wrote

Nothing would be good. I would much prefer for him to talk about how the Catholic heaven can be a good place if pets don't get into it.


Working_Ad_4650 t1_iy0ztw2 wrote

Does anyone really think when he speaks about such things that it truely influences change?


sledgehammer_77 t1_iy0uw9g wrote

Might as well go back to what you know, have another crusade!


Tahxeol t1_iy2qa7o wrote

If you were to glass Jerusalem with a nuclear bomb, would that not resolve a good part of believer tension?


RokuroCarisu t1_iy3tet3 wrote

No, it wouldn't.

I'm writing a book where exactly that happened; after a new cult emerged, declared a crusade against all monotheism, and is winning mostly because no country in the Near and Middle East was seriously willing to ally with any other against them anymore.


Technical-Cell816 t1_iy0ykrw wrote

He's right though Christians would not make such a mess over there.


PMmepicsofWaffles t1_iy38oi9 wrote

Look up how often Christian priests/monks have gotten into fistfights in Jerusalem over control of holy sites. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has to give its key to a Muslim family since they can't agree among themselves


dankinator420 t1_iy2uybk wrote

Think you need to be introduced to this crazy thing called the last 2000 years my guy. But specifically any of the crusades where Christians tried to genocide the entire region


Technical-Cell816 t1_iy2yr6u wrote

How about the history of the caliphate, turning a whole region Muslim by force?


dankinator420 t1_iy30os6 wrote

Seems like an unrelated point, just trying to say christianity isn't any better. Plus christianity has done the same in Iberia during the spanish inquisition, plus everything that happened in south america after its discovery. Also most of christian history has been oppressing various religious and cultural groups


Wiley_Applebottom t1_iy30fm7 wrote

Tell me you've kind of heard of world history without actually knowing anything about world history.


dankinator420 t1_iy3499d wrote

Just enough to back up thier preconceived ideas, not enough to actually learn anything...


VyrPlan t1_iy2hdu6 wrote

that's just what Jews and Muslims need, some catholic guidance


Single_Ad5819 t1_iy2nzwx wrote

The conflict will take longer than queen elizabeth age to be resolved


Mattna-da t1_iybazvy wrote

For a guy who lives in a giant fort and wears pajamas all day, the Pope has built more credibility than any political leader I can name right now


KaisarDragon t1_iy1edui wrote

Again? How'd that go last time...


TSAOutreachTeam t1_iy2tk56 wrote

I'm sure they'll get right on that now that he's said to.