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alzee76 t1_iyfkzvs wrote

Headline is oniony but it's a covid thing.


Glitchy-9 t1_iyh9h1n wrote

Yup happened in my son’s kindergarten class early covid too in Canada. I think it was when we had the mask mandates but once they didn’t need masks they could talk


epicaglet t1_iynmzcw wrote

Tbf most covid related articles are oniony. We just got used to it.


alzee76 t1_iyno4rz wrote

I agree, but in this instance, it's just the headline that's poorly written and oniony. The article itself is almost anti-oniony; the government is just telling schools that it's ok to relax and use their own judgement rather than just blindly following the most severe recommendations they can find -- which, because Japan, they've largely been doing up until now.

Example quotes from the article:

> As masks have been excessively worn at schools, the education ministry also asked schools to take a sensible approach to mask usage by making their own rules specifying when students can take them off and through other measures.

> ...

> [The government's hygiene management manual] does not have a rule requiring all schools to have children eat lunches in silence, but in reality, many schools carry out such "silent lunches" out of consideration for the Japanese government's original COVID-19 guidelines.


epicaglet t1_iyny01h wrote

True. I didn't intend to disagree with you either. Your comment just reminded me of this fact which highlights just how strange the past few years were (still are?). I wanted to share that


lukacinho t1_iyh26ay wrote

Doesn’t make it better


alzee76 t1_iyhlukz wrote

> Doesn’t make it better

Yes, it does actually. If you read the article and not just the headline you'd understand why.