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arcxjo t1_iyurrse wrote

Not saying it isn't possible, but a law-talking guy who's suing them putting out a press release isn't a definitive source any more than all the Facebook ads about Roundup are proof it's carcinogenic.


be-like-water-2022 t1_iyus435 wrote

In 2016, the U.S Army adopted the P320 for use in the field, but not before it underwent significant testing. The Army’s drop test revealed that the gun would discharge on impact at certain angles. Clearly, this was a concern that they needed to have addressed. Sig Sauer met the Army’s requests for a modified trigger mechanism to fix the problem — but implemented the change only for military sales.


SubstantialFigment t1_iyurzck wrote

Remington did a recall for this very problem for a long gun. It has happened before.


arcxjo t1_iyuvww1 wrote

That's irrelevant to proving anything about this particular gun unless they used the same parts.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_iyuxv4c wrote

It establishes the fact that it can happen. This lawsuit going forward now is stating that it has happened. That’s literally what we’re looking at. It’s not like there’s just this one woman making this random claim against a random gun. She’s one of many making the claim against the same model. Let them figure it out in court now. But saying they don’t have a case because you can’t believe it or significantly doubt it is pointless unless you’re involved in the case.