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Aceticon t1_iz9fdth wrote

When living in the UK I quickly learned never to give those guys direct access to my acount such as via a Direct Debt: without it, their mistakes are their problem to solve, with it their mistakes are your problem to solve.

Get invoice; check it; call them and ask for proof you spent 3 years worth of power consumption in a single month and pointing out that their meter reading on that invoice is totally different from what the meter says; get an updated correct invoice.

Compare that to the chain of problems that's the result of your bank account going into overdraft by a couple of tens of thousands of pounds...

It's not even that they're doing it on purpose: it's just that they employ people for peanuts to maximize their £££ in profits hence mistakes are far more likely and if they're not the ones bearing the costs of such mistakes (and given the laughably corrupt UK Regulators, they're not) they won't spend a single penny to put in place procedures to catch those mistakes.


Say10sadvocate t1_izdc8wo wrote

Yeah I just cancelled mine because I can't trust bulb with access to my account.

Over the last year I paid what they asked as it went up and up and up every three months. Ended up with £1000+ credit which they had a variety of excuses for refusing to refund.

Stopped paying till it came down to £0, cancelled the direct debit and now just pay for my usage manually each month.

I'd rather pay by direct debit, but their system forces me to pay far more than my usage, so I'm left making manual payments each month.