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MuForceShoelace t1_iznmq68 wrote

I think the important part of the story is both white and black students left the ceremony but the white students were allowed to leave and ONLY the black students were made to move to the back of the bus. The white kids who did the same behavior were not punished in any way.

I think people are going to skip reading the article and do some "what's the big deal, can black people NEVER sit at the back of the bus now? snowflakes are too sensitive" but it's specifically that the chaperone singled out only black kids from a group and only punished them. In a way that happened to also mirror history. The fact it was a racially charged punishment is more a cherry on top, with the "white kids can leave, we will only punish the black ones" being the primary outrage.


ConstantlySlippery t1_iznoru2 wrote

I was in Iowa for a year once. It was like being in the movie Pleasantville in some creepy ways.

Obviously there are sane people there too, mostly, but there is no shortage whatsoever of this ‘why can’t things be like they used to be’ shit too, and that does include the ugly underbelly of polite, midwest-nice, racism, It’s a fucking weird thing. They don’t say the quiet parts out loud there often unless you sit down over a cup of coffee and get them talking, and eventually it comes out. Words like ‘they’ and ‘different’. I had one lady just getting back from her church explain to me how immigrants had “lower standards of hygiene’ while appearing perfectly polite and smiling. I asked if she has ever met or seen an immigrant and she said no, but had ‘seen stories and talked with people”. She went to college in Iowa in the 70s. Nurse. Anti Vaxer, but not until Covid. Fox News. Straight out of central casting.

It’s not uncommon as a lot of rural places, and I strongly resist putting populations in boxes, but it’s infuriating to see ignorance couched in righteousness up close, and you can see how these people vote. She also blames democrats because a cup of coffee should only cost 25 cents like it used to and doesn’t think the waitress should be asking to make more money. As if the price of coffee and economic issues are caused by waitstaff wanting a raise above $3 an hour and tips measured in pennies and nickels. Pleasantville.


zwaaa t1_izo63ra wrote

As a former band director. If a student was involved in a discipline issue they would be moved to my bus And they would sit next to me wherever I am, back or front. This is just stupidity. Chaperones do not handle discipline issues. They report them to the director and then they shut up and stay out of the way.


throw4jklfj t1_izokb68 wrote

Literally aside from healthcare Canada is America's apprentice in being shitty, go read about how your federal govt treats first nations people who try to protect their land from further environmental damage from pipelines and industry.


throw4jklfj t1_izolknf wrote

My point is you're the hypocrite by telling americans to get their shit together lol. If you used to admire America then you need to learn more about America, it's always been a shithole of bigotry.


AhRedditAhHumanity t1_izow4q2 wrote

This article is extremely stupid. It focuses on race without providing other relevant details. Just designed to create outrage. No different than what Fox News does.


timojenbin t1_izox44k wrote

>However, the students had gathered with two white students on the bus with the permission of the school’s band director and instrumental music teacher, the letter said.


>When one of the students attempted to leave the conversation to find the band director, one of the parents allegedly grabbed him by the arm to prevent his departure.

It's stupid, it's not the band director or the students being stupid.


zwaaa t1_izoxrjv wrote

Agreed but when I do a trip I have a chaperone meeting and I tell them exactly what they're expected to do and what they're limited to. Anytime you're taking kids on the road you're an idiot if you don't do this.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_izp6qpf wrote

Back in my day the cool kids sat in the back of the bus. Why did Waukee reward kids for acting up?


Onarade t1_izpjcj9 wrote

December 1, 1955 has come back to remind us that stuff like this continues.


dogsent t1_izpjzk6 wrote

Seems to me that wearing a face mask to reduce the spread of the Covid virus is also a good hygiene practice. Funny how many Fox News viewers didn’t see it that way. So many contradictions and unfounded assumptions!


Jizzillionaire2 t1_izplj7z wrote

I've never seen the sides switch on issues as quickly as they did in Feb-April 2020. In February, if you wore a mask in public, it meant you were far right. If you wore one 2 months later, the far right would make fun of you for it.

I'm not sure why things changed so quickly, was it fox news?


DeltaDiva783 t1_izpuejt wrote

The lawsuit was filed as a civil rights case based on racial discrimination. What did you think it would be about? If you know anything about this country's history up until the late 1960s and how blacks were always forced to the back of the bus, movie theater, or restaurants you might better understand why it was filed.

Iowa is known to still be trapped in the past, and home to many white supremacists.


DorisCrockford t1_izpwunl wrote

It's important to note that the parent volunteer who started the whole thing has been barred from volunteering again. For anyone who thinks this has anything to do with student misbehavior, it doesn't.


dogsent t1_izr7cac wrote

I think it must have been Fox News. That and some influential people saying stuff. It's weird how conspiracy ideas get spread around. I'm pretty skeptical, so when someone tells me one of those ideas I tend to dismiss it. But when I start hearing that idea repeated by a lot of people I start to think there might be some truth to it.


haceldama13 t1_izzq3y7 wrote

High school teacher and (mostly) rational human, here. No one should ever put hands on a child that is not their own, nor should they escalate a situation by yelling into a student's face, or by poking a student in the face with a finger. I feel foolish even stating these (seemingly self-evident) truths.


SufficientNoodles t1_j0558er wrote

Hmmm...I'd say that woman was a menace, no matter the color. She'd be missing a finger if she thumped my kid in the forehead with it.


SILENT5HADOW49 t1_j08hgrk wrote

But um the back of the bus is the best seats tho