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xSaffax t1_j0hz76a wrote

This party has been in for 2 terms now so people are definitely getting tired of her/labour, but they still have a lot of fans too. Like any country there is division but our two main parties both sit very close to centre so there's not that much difference.

Also we have an MMP political system so there's usually a lot of political representation as if they get at least 5% of they vote theyvgll get a seat in parliament. If the big parties don't get enough votes to govern alone (usually) they have to form coalitions with other smaller parties which guarantees those smaller parties specific things they want/a spot in government and helps the bigger party get the numbers.

An example of this is that labour didn't have the numbers to govern alone so they formed a coalition with NZ First and the Greens, and agreed that Winston Peters, the leader of NZ First, would be deputy PM