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The_Dynasty_Group t1_j0y85q5 wrote

I’m an American do you really think I learned that? As if Us Americans would lower Ourselves to learning about wars We weren’t involved in and didn’t start. Lol


MangoSea323 t1_j0z4w63 wrote

Someone didn't pay attention in world history.


doktorch t1_j11gzwp wrote

I did, but it focused on British royalty effing with their german, french, and spanish cousins around the world. didn't hear this about Swedish cousins effing their polish cousins (in the 1600s?). meh...was there a take away that we missed...could it have prevented any of the 'world wars'? so sweden used to be a bad ass, but not so much now? poland used to be a big dog, but not so much now


MangoSea323 t1_j11hyl0 wrote

So world history for you was learning solely about the 1900s world wars and a very, very small amount of European royalty. Got it.


The_Dynasty_Group t1_j11mnqt wrote

Exactly. If it didn’t have to do with American imperialism then it wasn’t important enough for them to teach Us about in school. Whatever it takes to boost that national pride in one’s own young boon of a country throwing its weight around against the rest of the world and basically sticking Our nose in business that didn’t involve Us but We made it involve Us. America doesn’t get invited to the party? America creates the party