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illegalsandwiches t1_j18iah3 wrote

The answer is the installation of a non-biased department that has no partisan or police affiliation, that withholds the PD to the standards, practices, and laws they must abide by.

A few problems:

  1. The police is not going to want that.
  2. Who installs them anyway?
  3. Pay comes from... the taxpayers? Sure as hell ain't going to come from the police budget (see #1).

There's definitely more, but I'm not coffee'd yet.


Alexb2143211 t1_j18jhtg wrote

If it works it can be funded by the lack of lawsuits against police.


illegalsandwiches t1_j18jpxj wrote

Sooo... The taxpayers? And that's going to come from the form of a mileage or a state bill. No one's going to like paying additional taxes.


Alexb2143211 t1_j18kezm wrote

In saying the lack of oversight is already a drain on taxpayers money


FinndBors t1_j1987y8 wrote

They also need an independent prosecutor. The district attorneys office is not impartial to people they work with all the time.