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Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_j18qxza wrote

there are literally hundreds of thousands of examples of people being fired from their jobs for being charged with a crime.


caskieadam t1_j18sjly wrote

Yeah, but those people aren’t members of a gang (spelled PBA).


Canaduckfart5 t1_j18tbax wrote

Which is sort of my point... nobody likes those hundreds of thousands of examples. Why add 7 more to the list? As I mentioned in a different reply, I 100% agree that the standards (and maybe the punishments) should be higher for cops. I don't think those hundreds of thousands of others should have lost their jobs because of mere accusations either. Sometimes, people end up in weird positions that look bad. The courts are supposed to sort that out, but I also understand that a lot of people don't have much faith in the system because of the questionable track record.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_j18vtbb wrote

ok so where do you draw the line? Should alleged mass shooters be able to keep their job? What about if one of your employees gets charged with Jerry Sandusky levels of pedophilia, are you going to keep them on until the verdict is read? Should Casey Anthony be allowed to keep her old job since she was found not guilty?


Canaduckfart5 t1_j18y5e4 wrote

I know most of what I'm writing is too idealistic to ever apply in the real world, but for the sake of argument I'll keep it going.

In a perfect world, there is no line to draw. If someone has the vacation/PTO/whatever days to take off so they don't miss work while they're awaiting trial (for those who don't bond/bail out of jail) isn't that supposed to be the idea? The whole justice system is supposed to serve the function of deciding who actually did what, and if those actions constitute a crime based on the laws at the time. I don't agree with the outcome of some of those high-profile cases (Casey Anthony being one).

I'm well aware that the system doesn't work correctly now, but it would be kinda cool if we could strive to improve the system instead of letting public opinion make our choices for us anout these cases.

I don't give a shit about these cops more than anyone else. In all honesty, I probably care about them less since these DUI charges are probably true. I just think the number of people calling for ANYONE to fired/locked up before a trial is a little too "torch and pitchfork" for my tastes.

P.S. Thanks for being reasonable and replying to my nearly impossible daydreams with questions and critiques, rather than threatening to murder my family because it might look like I'm trying to defend these drunk-driving dipshits.