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mojavekoyote t1_j17c2wx wrote

All you have is New Orleans, Louisiana. Enjoy being a true shithole state in 10 years with legislation like this.


IUsedTheRandomizer t1_j18nm0q wrote

It's already a shithole. There's no money anywhere, New Orleans pays double or triple the taxes of other parishes because the state can't afford anything otherwise. New Orleans itself is 1/3 apathetic voters or generational residents who are too exhausted by bullshit, 1/3 transplants who barely know anything about the grift-based politics anyway, and 1/3 empty houses owned by out of state assholes trying to make money off unregulated airbnbs. Nothing gets better because not enough people care; most of the rest of Louisiana just cares about hating abortion and never having to see a dime go to schools. I mean honestly, the state's industries are tourism in one city, Tabasco, and LSU. That's pretty much it.

But as always, thank you Mississippi.