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DeweyLoranjorp t1_j19ru5e wrote

I brought up the SOTU as an example of your hypocrisy. You called me immature so gave you an example of how your own leader is.

Your political stance is obvious, so you never needed to state which party you belong to.

They ARE suing. In droves. Do you live under a rock or are you being intentionally dense?

As this incident happened behind closed doors, I have no evidence, so you can choose to not believe me. But I'm not making this up. Boss literally told her, in no uncertain terms, that she couldn't say anything negative about Biden or she'd be unemployed. To which she responded, "But Trump is fair game, right?" Boss replied "Correct."

Annnnnnddddd now we're done. I'm breaking my cardinal rule to never argue with a redditor. Can't fix stupid.


Hushnw52 t1_j1a7pkl wrote

What “hypocrisy”?

“Your own leader”

Who said I had a “leader”?

Making wild assumptions and guessing about political stance doesn’t help you.

You have yet to show any evidence for your claims. If it easy then show it.

Why should I believe someone who has shone no evidence and makes wild assumptions?

When did you ever prove “stupid”?

Insults of others make you look bad.