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SelectiveSanity t1_j1ehxh3 wrote

Anyone who would see a figure holding that pose for more then a minute while there's no motion coming from the refuse leaving the hose is an oblivious uncultured idiot.

The type of person, who if they ran a company, would give their hard working employees a jelly of the month club membership instead of a Christmas bonus.


EducatorSpecialist69 t1_j1guspd wrote

that’s a movie reference, i forgot the darn movie tho Edit: i’m so dumb, i realized my mistake now lol (i wasn’t being ironic)


Golden-Grams t1_j1hdie9 wrote

I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?


jefe008 t1_j1gxav5 wrote

I can’t tell if you’re being ironic


kevinds t1_j1elp4w wrote

>a male standing outside. He is naked. He has a robe covering part of his body.

He wasn't naked then was he?


Deathray88 t1_j1esu3k wrote

The hose isn't between his legs and he's not exposing anything either.


steste1122 t1_j1eadrk wrote

It’s a beaut Clark, a beaut!


Mycalescott t1_j1dzfpv wrote

The shitter is indeed full, Bravo concerned citizens....bravo


dvdmaven t1_j1fg61a wrote

Sounds like someone glanced at the display and projected fiercely.


Yeodler t1_j1fwbba wrote

I did this with a snowman a few years ago. The wind blew the Robe open, and you could see his snow balls, but no one complained.


MysteryCuddler t1_j1fp9a7 wrote

"Uproar" for this incident is the biggest exaggeration I've ever seen!


AuronRayn t1_j1fz301 wrote

What am I meant to be offended by today? I’m not seeing anything.


Copper_Kat t1_j1fuhh5 wrote

The neighborhood Karen will take every opportunity they can to be offended and cause problems.


S_I_1989 t1_j1fv1jq wrote

What a bunch of Snowflakes who get their panties in a bunch over this display.
Geez, People Get Over Yourselves!

"I don't care who you are, that's funny right there, I tell you what." Larry The Cable Guy.


soma1499 t1_j1gatwz wrote

There's a house in my neighborhood that did this with their giant skeleton left over from Halloween.


saraphilipp t1_j1gqo02 wrote

For the last 20 years there's been on guy near me. Now we have 3.

Shitters full.


ratmanisreal t1_j2098l4 wrote

Merry Christmas! Shitter was full.


onairmastering t1_j1ft2xv wrote

Such a niche thing, I have no clue what's this regarding. A movie? a book? a TV show?

Some people really do assume that you should know what they know.


BaconIsAVeg2 t1_j1fuer6 wrote

Some people can't read.

Some people should have been swallowed instead of born.

Looks at you...


onairmastering t1_j1fv2fg wrote

SO I still don't get, thanks for the help.


BaconIsAVeg2 t1_j1fvd32 wrote

The article has 180 words, and since it's about Kentucky they're not even big ones. I'm sure someone as unintelligent (that means stupid) as yourself can figure out what they mean.

Oh look, the name of the movie is in the article too, who would have thought.