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hackenschmidt t1_j1u434i wrote

> Real Dolls

Holy shit some of those are creepy life-like. Only like $4k-$7k too. Considering how expensive real girlfriends/wives/concubines are, thats hella cheap.

> Texas

Such an appropriate Texan response for "what country...."


WurthWhile t1_j1v1jzg wrote

While that definitely is a Texan response, I'm a NYers actually. It's just common for Americans to specify the state when asked what country.


VamosFicar t1_j26stut wrote

Aye and they can even come with vaginas that are modeled on casts taken from porn stars. Now, bucket fanny models are not my thing, but the possibilites are intriguing: You could have the 'Taliban Special', where everything is stitched up tight. :/