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Legitimate-Most4379 t1_j2rnsyo wrote

Finding a spot takes time that could be spent clearing for the next call.


AnthCoug t1_j2sigun wrote

Right?! And by forcing bicycles into the traffic lanes, maybe the next call will come sooner!


spiralbatross t1_j2t7jjx wrote

No don’t you see??? Bikers aren’t human and should be shot on sight! /s


DanTheSasquatch t1_j2s2msl wrote

There are literally parking lots everywhere.

It ain't hard, they were simply being lazy.


bcam7257 t1_j2tl5xn wrote

No, there are not “parking lots everywhere” in San Francisco, and there are no free parking spaces. Laziness is commenting on something without having done even a tiny bit of background research before you began talking out of your ass.