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Geenasa t1_j2p33u7 wrote

So many Karen sympathizers in the comments.


rood_sandstorm t1_j2rdx66 wrote

One thing’s for sure, we need better infrastructure for non 4-wheel vehicles and pedestrians. Possibly separate them from the main highway


Yotsubato t1_j2sq5am wrote

It’s an ambulance. It will drive on a full on exclusive bike path if it needs be. (And I have seen this in Santa Monica)


Amonkira42 t1_j2upjp1 wrote

Emergency workers tend to block paths as they work, that happens irregardless of the quality of the infrastructure.


Legitimate-Most4379 t1_j2tu3j4 wrote

I don't think they understand that emergency service means that ambulances deal with actual emergencies.


InstaGibberish t1_j2p7jxa wrote



prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j2pprci wrote

I mean, I said that you shouldn't do paperwork in the bike lane, which is the same position as the "karen", but that doesn't seem like an extremist position to take. Don't stop in the middle of the highway to fill out your report, don't stop in the bike lane to fill out your report. Don't block traffic when you don't need to just because you are legally exempt from following traffic laws. Get somewhere safe and out of the way.


Legitimate-Most4379 t1_j2rnsyo wrote

Finding a spot takes time that could be spent clearing for the next call.


AnthCoug t1_j2sigun wrote

Right?! And by forcing bicycles into the traffic lanes, maybe the next call will come sooner!


spiralbatross t1_j2t7jjx wrote

No don’t you see??? Bikers aren’t human and should be shot on sight! /s


DanTheSasquatch t1_j2s2msl wrote

There are literally parking lots everywhere.

It ain't hard, they were simply being lazy.


bcam7257 t1_j2tl5xn wrote

No, there are not “parking lots everywhere” in San Francisco, and there are no free parking spaces. Laziness is commenting on something without having done even a tiny bit of background research before you began talking out of your ass.


MandoRodgers t1_j2qkone wrote

Casey Neistat would’ve ran into it


Selloutkat1 t1_j2p9j8r wrote

One of the many reason cyclists suck.


kevinds t1_j2pc60z wrote

>"finishing a medical emergency with a patient care document from a call at that location which is why they moved to the other side of the street rather than engage with you. Have a safe day."

Sounds like they didn't need to be parked there..


[deleted] t1_j2q0e8b wrote

Where do you want them to go? Serious question. Did you see where they went? Exactly the same position on the other side of the street.


herkalurk t1_j2qmmvo wrote

They need to be parked in a parking area. I used to be an EMT, and worked with all sorts of people who get a sense of entitlement that they don't need to follow the same rules as everyone else because of the vehicle they're in. This lady went about it the wrong way though. Needs to just take the video/pictures and time stamp them and send them off to her city rep. If it's a decent city rep they follow up with the city fire chief who will delegate it to someone to find out if they actually needed to be there, and hopefully let them know it's not acceptable to park in a no parking area when there isn't an emergency.


[deleted] t1_j2rle9g wrote

Yeah, I think definitely taking a picture and sending it to the fire chief so he could give no fuck at all was absolutely the right way to go. Because this was some total bullshit, and she is out of her mind to walk up and start shouting at him like that.


Legitimate-Most4379 t1_j2tuhr2 wrote

I don't think you understand. There is always an emergency. The documentation is what they do right before running off to the next emergency.


herkalurk t1_j2tvxdd wrote

I don't think you understand, I'm a former EMT, there is not always an emergency, and paperwork is never an emergency. Plus you don't do paperwork in the ambulance outside a random building unless it was a non transport. If you actually performed medical care you'd be at a hospital.


Legitimate-Most4379 t1_j2txobh wrote

The nature of the previous call has no bearing on how quickly they'd need to clear for the next call, though.


herkalurk t1_j2u0ir5 wrote

It's not about being ready for the next call in this situation. They're just choosing not to move and sit in an illegal place to park.


kevinds t1_j2qzn9s wrote

>Where do you want them to go? Serious question.

Any place that is legal to be parked.

>Did you see where they went? Exactly the same position on the other side of the street.

Not blocking a bike path..

Sounds like they found a much better spot on the other side of the street, so that works.


[deleted] t1_j2rlskz wrote

I’m glad people feel so smug with that shit


spiralbatross t1_j2t7u82 wrote

Yeah me too, blocking lanes without an emergency is just the worst. Lazy drivers.


spiralbatross t1_j2t7pcb wrote

Don’t park in a lane unless it’s an emergency, period. I know everyone thinks cyclists aren’t people but have a fucking brain.

Edited for the insane: paperwork is not an emergency. It simply is not.


[deleted] t1_j2tcytp wrote

I would love to see you get through academy, much less get out there and run some 911 calls


GiabiMan t1_j2rgotp wrote

People that buy bikes and think they’re cyclists*

Don’t wanna be that guy but a legit cyclist would just hit the sidewalk or the road. This guys a different kinda tool.


Blom-w1-o t1_j2s1jtj wrote

Hitting the road is exactly why bike lanes are becoming more common. It's dangerous to hit the road on a bicycle.


Chard069 t1_j2pivgv wrote

Way back when, I was a commercial bike courier in San Francisco, and I had to quickly but carefully dodge many vehicles occupying what few bike lanes existed downtown then. Is someone inside? Slap a window. Are pedestrians absent? Ride the sidewalk. I was only endangered once, as a car door opened right in front of me. Brake fast, hey?


Link7369_reddit t1_j2q938l wrote

Bikers don't' even have to knowingly be endangered once to get absolutely killed by traffic.


Chard069 t1_j2vpd9h wrote

Fortunately, most street traffic in San Francisco's business district could not move fast, so I almost always had a survivable margin. And I rode sidewalks when prudent. It worked!


Nopenothu t1_j2umglk wrote

Traffic laws apply to ALL vehicles on the road, even bicycles. Too many cyclists seem to forget that they MUST follow ALL the traffic laws. Use hand signals for turning, don't create an obstruction for other vehicles, don't run red lights, emergency vehicles are always in the right no matter what they are doing.


Grand_Protector_Dark t1_j36jhds wrote

>emergency vehicles are always in the right no matter what they are doing

Even when they're parked to fill out some non-crucial, non-immediately important paperwork?


kevinds t1_j30cjfi wrote

>emergency vehicles are always in the right no matter what they are doing.

I've seen police give tickets to ambulance drivers (I knew the driver too).


Nervous-Dark-4559 t1_j3m24p3 wrote

After lockdown, it look thoes without brains got full dose of narcissism from antivax and anti mask....


prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j2p0yey wrote

"The ambulance was engaging in patient care documentation after finishing an emergency call" said SFFD

Seriously, find a fucking parking spot for writing your report. Bike infrastructure already sucks, you don't need to make it worse by blocking it.


purplerple t1_j2pl38m wrote

If this ambulance parked in the middle of the road these commenters would be mildly frustrated. But if they park in a bike lane to do paperwork they are like 'chill out dude'.


reverielagoon1208 t1_j2svphw wrote

Yeah it is paperwork, not tending to an emergency. They can find any parking spot to finish that. I’ve had traumatizing experiences with LAFD paramedics in Los Angeles dealing with my sick girlfriend


smoke99999 t1_j2rt71x wrote

lets be honest

unless Karen is married to Kyle the Kop

aint nobody gonna write that ambulance a ticket

Karma has a way of paying off that debt sooner or later


DennisHakkie t1_j2qsmsy wrote

They are EMS, they can park wherever the heck they want to park. Imagine having to respond to a heart attack and having to park 3 blocks away.

Yes, they could’ve put the ambulance on the white lined area (I’m a non native English speaker sooo… Don’t know how you folks call that there)


kevinds t1_j2r0tdt wrote

>They are EMS, they can park wherever the heck they want to park.

During an active emergency, yes. Otherwise, hell no.


DennisHakkie t1_j2r19ca wrote

In my nation EMS isn’t sent out if there isn’t an emergency. If you see an ambulance on the street? They are on the job, period


DanTheSasquatch t1_j2s330f wrote

Right, but they were doing paperwork, not working an active emergency.


DennisHakkie t1_j2s6cvi wrote

Counterpoint: How do I know if they are in an active emergency? I don't. They are EMS; their job is saving lives (and it's probably more important than yours), so who cares if they park incorrectly?

I understand that the US is different in that regard, but where I live you go around them, see the sidewalk? You can get off your bike and walk 10 meters as well, look behind you, is there a car coming? No? You go around them. It's really not that difficult.

IMAGINE, JUST IMAGINE laying in that ambulance with a heart attack, and some woman starts screaming at the medical personnel who help you that they have to move the ambulance because she doesn't want to walk 10 meters.

I used to assist EMTs and I really didn't give a single where I parked my car if I was called up, because I had to go and save a life. If I could get somewhere a single second earlier than so be. That isn't my problem at that point


DanTheSasquatch t1_j2s7elc wrote

From the article:

"finishing a medical emergency with a patient care document" - they were doing paperwork.

Closed doors, stationary, no EMTs visible out of the vehicle, and it would be safe to assume that the cyclist saw them stationary for a bit.

Some of y'all really struggle to evaluate a situation, huh?


DennisHakkie t1_j2shx0k wrote

That they have closed doors and being stationary says nothing. They could’ve also treated someone inside of the ambulance.

I don't really care what the article says; I just picture the situation. But that's just me, who has been in situations like this and know how annoying it can be if people bother you whilst you ARE in an active emergency because they feel entitled or can't take a single second to think "Hey, maybe they ARE trying to save a live, maybe not, but this isn't the time or place for me to start an argument"


DanTheSasquatch t1_j2skcqc wrote

"I don't care about what ACTUALLY happened, I care about a hypothetical scenario!"

Alright then.


DennisHakkie t1_j2sm6nh wrote

Yeah, you know why? Because what if they WERE busy helping someone in that ambulance? What would’ve happened then? I don’t think the woman would have reacted any differently.

And that’s also the point I want to make here. I read the article and the best thing? The woman has her account to private now. Says enough, doesn’t it?

How would you have reacted if you were driving with your bike?


kevinds t1_j2vhr0i wrote

>How would you have reacted if you were driving with your bike?

I would have reported it to the city.


DennisHakkie t1_j2vwtk1 wrote

What? The city is responsible for EMT’s in the US? That’s a joke. We have a state run system, where hospitals can be privately run but can’t make a profit (read; get massive subsidies from the government) and all ambulance personnel are specialist that are under a government contract


kevinds t1_j2vh6xg wrote

>Counterpoint: How do I know if they are in an active emergency? I don't.

They would have their emergency lights on.