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Epona_02 t1_j3fbazh wrote


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j3h170h wrote

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure, which is not inexpensive, and not without risks. About 1% of patients have chronic pain afterwords. It isn’t a birth control, it is sterilization, which is not the same thing at all.

Condoms are a major ongoing expense, lower sexual satisfaction, for everyone involved. It seems unlikely his wives would accept this.

Abstinence: major negative heal tho consequences for a man. Not really good for women either. And that doesn’t consider the emotional need everyone has for physical intimacy.


Epona_02 t1_j3h1kez wrote

you asked for reliable male contraceptives, I provided them. Not my fault men are big, sensitive, coddled children that won’t consider them.


unclehlreloaded t1_j3fiohs wrote


That's for white men only.


Are they his wives, or hookers?


God forbid anyone tells a woman to abstain. What's the point of a man being married then, to 12 wives no less? What do think he is, American?
