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Assfuck-McGriddle t1_j6noiyc wrote

> What’s fallacious about this argument? You value one animals’ life over another.

Let me make sure I understand what you’re asking: If you don’t try and save every single animal’s life, it means you don’t care about that specific animal.

You’re asking why that statement is fallacious? Really?

> Unless you’re vegetarian or vegan, then saying you value a whales life over a pig or cow etc is simple personal double standard.

Holy bad-faith moly, Batman, there’s no way I’m going to approach this dumpster fire, lol. You’re welcome to believe what you want.


[deleted] t1_j6npv50 wrote



Assfuck-McGriddle t1_j6nq0ha wrote

I gotcha man, it’s okay. I know full well nothing I say will convince you so you’re welcome to think this.