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rood_sandstorm t1_j42mqq7 wrote

Are we sure this isn’t manufactured outrage to gain attention/publicity


ImmediatelyOcelot t1_j42p2wd wrote

I love Jesus and this isn't at all a reason to ban something. In fact Jesus taught us to focus on important stuff, like helping the poor and taking care of our minds. What people conceive as art is totally irrelevant.


Xist3nce t1_j480hqu wrote

Eww no not brown “love they neighbor” Jesus. This is America, we believe in white supply side Jesus. /s


throwawaypervyervy t1_j46a4xq wrote

Also, he hung out with sex workers. He would have understood the importance of shock value to advertise.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j42zop3 wrote

Well sure, Levato is doing something to get outrage to sell albums, and the usual suspects are selling outrage as Christianity because hot air doesn't have royalties paid to the music industry.


rafaelloaa t1_j44qwpc wrote

From what I had read, they had actually sought and received approval from the British advertising standards authority. But apparently some complaints were received (I want to say in the single digits?), Causing this reversal.

So while I'm sure this is resulting in plenty of free publicity, I actually don't think this aspect of it was intentional.