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themeatbridge t1_j4685ir wrote

>ODNI said in its report that efforts to destigmatize reporting and emphasize that the objects may pose a threat likely contributed to the additional reports.

Essentially, there are new craft and new technologies available to more people at lower costs, and we have a lot of enemies. If you see something in the sky or in the water or driving around on the ground, report it. Nobody is going to call you a kook unless you insist it was aliens who abducted you to do butt stuff.


ThePhabtom4567 t1_j46rxtc wrote

That and with starlink people are reporting UFOs when it's just satellites deploying.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4f1wp7 wrote

People really underestimate how many independent parties are putting stuff up in the air or even into space.

I saw a video from a local college that basically put a gopro into space and I'm pretty sure they didn't get clearance from the government beforehand.

And how many times has a sporting event been put on high alert because some bozo put a drone in the sky at the wrong time? Everyone trusts the military to have their shit together but at the end of the day who would you expect to run on time and under budget, the US military or the NFL? At least the NFL can actually keep track of their annual spending and number of employees 😂 the US government can't do either of those things


Eberid t1_j46qgot wrote

This is why I always dress as an alien when flying my drone.


vaders_smile t1_j47pzq4 wrote

Aside from Starlink satellite strings, the other thing going on is a lot of people shooting video and not understanding how video works -- flying consumer drones through the wilderness and mistaking insects coming toward the lens for mystery objects, or forgetting that images are often highly processed and compressed before they show up on their screens.


UndesiredEffect t1_j47k0hg wrote

Nobody should be laughing at the hypothesis that these craft are not from here.

We are so confident, yet we, just like everything else in the universe, are just floating out here. We aren't cloaked. We aren't special. We are one of many planets, with a very young race compared to most things here. It's not outside of reason to have an older, more tech savvy race having developed FTL travel and have come here. For all we know, a race could have had their '2022' 50,000 years ago.


themeatbridge t1_j47qcu0 wrote

It's like the birthday paradox. If you have 60 people in a room, it's almost guaranteed that two people will share a birthday. But if you are in that room, it's unlikely that you will share a birthday with anyone.

Likewise, in the vast universe, through all of time, it is almost certain that the conditions for life resulted in space-faring intelligence, and because spacetime is so big, it's even likely that two of those travelers crossed paths. It's likely happened many times.

But also because of the size of spacetime, it is extremely unlikely to ever cross paths with another space traveling species in our lifetime. In terms of odds, imagine the odds of a baby being born with a birthmark in the shape of the winning lottery numbers, and then divide those odds by the limit approaching infinity.

So yes it is absurd to suggest that a weird thing in the sky must be from another planet, when we know that there are other terrestrial people working on building covert flying machines trying to spy on us.

It would be like watching your roommate walk over to the thermostat and turn on the air conditioner, and then saying "Brrr, it just got chilly. Must be a ghost in here."


UndesiredEffect t1_j47w67g wrote

But to only take the last 50 years worth of sightings and dismiss the rest doesn't make sense. Things have been seen in our skies since ancient times- it didnt start happening one day in the 50's.

Granted a lot of it was probably prosaic normal phenom that they didn't yet have the tools to understand, however there have been similar experiences with similar beings experienced in different parts of the world in different time periods. Not only that, but understanding the nature of our defense departments is basically: we won't say anything about anything unless we have decided it's more worthwhile to do so. They could have simply alluded to it being top secret technology, and that would have been the end of it. Heck, they've been saying since the 60-70's they have the technology to 'take ET home'. If you read Day After Roswell, by Colonel Corso, he's stated that the government basically gave this tech to private enterprise and told them to reverse engineer it and that the government would buy back whatever they made. Out of the hands of any law like FOIA, and still getting what they wanted.

Check out Lue Elizondo and AATIP. He was the director of the program and has gone on record about a great many things. His interview with Curt Jaimungal's Theory of Everything is a really good one to watch.

If another country has technology capable of the things that have been witnessed and caught on camera/radar, then I doubt they would be short-sighted enough to fly them brazenly and openly around our craft and systems in such ways as they have. It would not only negate any manner of surprise, but would also only encourage rapid technological development to counter said edge. And this technology could in an instant change the world.

Did you know that out of nearly 144* investigated sightings since 2004, the government could only positively identify one. That's incredible, given our capabilities especially in our own airspace.


"A senior U.S. government official said ahead of the report's release Friday that, "We have no clear indications that there is any nonterrestrial explanation for them — but we will go wherever the data takes us."(fair to say)

The official added: “We do not have any data that indicates that any of these unidentified air phenomena are part of a foreign collection program nor do we have any data that is indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary." (weird af to say from a US techological capabilities standpoint--basically saying they have no* evidence that these unidentified things in our airspace are from another country either)

Edit 2: Here's one article about the recent legislation passing that would allow many people to go on record regarding projects related to UAP.

I dont know if it's ET, but its certainly something intriguing. I invite skeptics to do what I did and spend time looking into it in earnest.


Areallyangryduck_ t1_j49okp6 wrote

They would have contacted us if they somehow could achieve faster than ligth travel. The main problem with aliens is that they are so fucking far away. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually documented planets with alien life on it, except we only see the planet from thousands of years ago due to how slow the ligth is travelling.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4f276z wrote

Lol at people who speculate about the fermi paradox and not the drake equation.

If they're out there, they're not our neighbors. The chances that they're out there are incredibly high. The chances that any of them are close enough to communicate much less would want to are incredibly low.

People underestimate just how slow FTL travel even is compared to the scale of the universe.


UndesiredEffect t1_j4f31sf wrote

There's a lot of theories about warping space time as opposed to going really fast. Idk how anyone can be so assured that an unknown society of unknown ability couldn't possibly get here, or that the chances are low. Our technology in modern times is increasing exponentially in many areas and thats just taking into account the last 150 years.

How about a race 20000 years past where we are at?


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4gdb50 wrote

Speculate all you want about a type 3 civilization, you're only proving you belong to a type -1 civilization tho


UndesiredEffect t1_j4ggz3b wrote

Why be so defensive? I'm just saying keep an open mind since we still don't know a lot about things beyond earth.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4hdh7x wrote

you ever heard the expression, keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out?


hotmessexpress44 t1_j49jp9j wrote

That's moronic. Why should I waste my time doing that?


themeatbridge t1_j49kiom wrote

Which part? Looking up? or reporting UFOs? You're not likely to do the latter, but you'll never see one if you don't do the former.