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Educational_Hawk1236 t1_j5qz2in wrote

It’s just going to get stolen by Mr. Burns


action_lawyer_comics t1_j5r0lsb wrote

I've been working on my PC too much. I was trying to think about why platinum was good for hard drives and that 1 TB isn't all that impressive storage anymore.


dude23455 t1_j5qxsyt wrote

I read that as "Yemen" and was very confused for a minute.


Vagrant123 t1_j5sjbzl wrote

Nothing new under the sun eh? I remember the last time this was floated.


ttkciar t1_j5qy303 wrote

Why stop at $1T when it's just as easy to mint one for $5T?


moldyfishfinger t1_j5ry50h wrote

I'd sell them a few for a really good price of just $500 billion each. And buy five get two free. I'll even gift wrap.


ddt70 t1_j5vpful wrote

You’re getting the hang of inflation I see! 🤣


DennisHakkie t1_j5t05vg wrote

Not like there’s already more debt in the world than actual money.

Meaning, if at this second. Every debt in the world were to be paid. There’s not enough around.

Also, there are zero nations in the world without debt. And then banks are bitching that debt is bad…


Teddy642 t1_j5rwtkt wrote

Are they putting Trump's likeness on this coin?


fourfourzero t1_j5siib6 wrote

not even that denomination would fit that fat fucking head


MattSpokeLoud t1_j5s7uct wrote

What would happen if we printed, say, 50 of these coins? Debt be gone and money for investments. Would all money be wortheless? Yeah, probably, but what if we accidentally dropped the coins into the ocean? Like, good luck, dropped from 30,000 ft into the Pacific.

Say all this happens, do we have wheelbarrows of bills for a loaf of bread or are we good?


LOSTandCONFUSEDinMAY t1_j5tbxuv wrote

It would be more or less the same as if congress raised the debt ceiling by 50T or got rid of it entirely. Not a whole lot would happen unless congress also authorized the Treasury to spend all that money.


goofyredditname t1_j5r26j3 wrote

This is it folks, as a country we have jumped the shark.


Khemith t1_j5s5hys wrote

Yeah it's not when they didn't let women and non whites vote.


CustosEcheveria t1_j5r2jr4 wrote

When do we get to tar and feather her and Jerome Powell for their gross incompetence?


Schiffy94 t1_j5rpa9e wrote

Yellen isn't failing miserably like JPow. She's not the one who spent the better part of 2022 trying to scare lenders rather than admit that business are price gouging.