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InterestingTesticle t1_j4byvlk wrote

What you're talking about is a salaried employee.

As far as an hourly wage is concerned, it's just the best system of measurement for most jobs. It's based on the idea that you pay for what you use. If I use 30 hours of your time, I'm not going to pay you for 40.

Would you pay a 500 dollar utility bill if you'd only used 100 dollars worth of said utility?


samiwas1 t1_j4eyj4s wrote

What if you required me for ten hours of my time for a day, but you had only five hours of work for me to do, but you needed me to be there for those ten hours just in case other work came up? And what if I spent that extra five hours just doing whatever I wanted?


InterestingTesticle t1_j4eyzx2 wrote

Then I'd pay you for ten and you can enjoy those extra five hours sticking around in case something comes up on your phone or the internet.

In every job I've ever had, that's pretty much how it goes.


samiwas1 t1_j4ez94p wrote

Okay, then we are in agreement. That's pretty much what my job is. I'm there for 12-14 hours. But on a normal day, I do maybe 3-4 hours of actual work. The rest of the time is spent on hobbies or scrolling until I find the end of the internet. But, that's what the job is.