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Randel1997 t1_j4cyqg3 wrote

I waste half an hour every hour I’m at work


Alexstarfire t1_j4eyhqh wrote

I'm probably not too far off. Sad part is I'm still the top performer in my group by a wide margin.

I actually think a lot of it is because others spend a lot of time trying to figure things out themselves instead of getting the information from someone who already knows it. The second I realize it's going to take me a long time to figure something out on my own I'm like "OK, who the hell can tell me how this works? I'm not wasting my time on this shit."

I'm a software developer.


Maatix t1_j4flfsw wrote

>The second I realize it's going to take me a long time to figure something out on my own I'm like "OK, who the hell can tell me how this works? I'm not wasting my time on this shit."
>I'm a software developer.

Same way here. And somehow people look at me funny when I say "No, I'm not going to spend 30 mins researching this when there should be a readily available answer, someone just has to tell me where to find the answer and save us all time."

Why is common sense so uncommon? It's almost like I'm trying not to waste your time by not wasting my time.


Squeezitgirdle t1_j4fdsk0 wrote

Used to work for a company where I automated everything.

(made the mistake of going above and beyond and helping my colleagues and was rewarded with an annual 15 cent raise to $15.15 for taking months of work and turning it into an hour).

I also had that same manager who gave me my shitty raise get pissy with me when I had no work to do and when I asked for work, she told me to figure it out.

So I worked roughly 30 minutes every day, and sat on my ass browsing imgur and reddit for my entire shift, because hard work came with punishments.

I did the same exact work as my colleagues, I just did it ridiculously faster than them because I was the only one who knew code and was licensed with the marketing software we used.