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Quasanc t1_j4f0vwr wrote

Never anywhere else in the world.


SiriusC t1_j4fexkv wrote

Do your research. It happens all over the world all of the time.


LasciviousApemantus OP t1_j4f2tu5 wrote

Because their militaries either understand their own camera technology or are too afraid of looking like a dumbass 😂

Really the only thing they're 'destigmatizing' is the US government looking like idiots with their official reporting.


SiriusC t1_j4ff9t2 wrote

Several countries have disclosed official documents of their history with the phenomenon. And they go well beyond what's observed with a camera.


LasciviousApemantus OP t1_j4fibee wrote

No xD they don't. There is literally not a single high quality recording of a UAP because the "phenomenon" of UAPs is unanimously and unequivocally the result of camera sensor, parallax or focal compression artefacting. If it wasn't blown out, distorted or poorly tracked, it wouldn't even BE a UAP, it would just be a fucking bird or weather balloon or whatever the fuck it actually was that they mistook for some kind of supernatural bullshit.