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onliwenimtrunk t1_j6kvml6 wrote

Now the shortage is starting to make sense, this is probably just one out of dozens of chicken wingpins.


smurfsundermybed t1_j6l4mgk wrote

That was a flat out horrible attempt to drum up a wing pun.


tryingtodefendhim t1_j6l7gva wrote



eatabigolD t1_j6lb3fk wrote

They had an official response, but corporate pulled it…they were winging it


AFew10_9TooMany t1_j6mnvdw wrote

They didn’t find it suspicious when said employee opened their own business called:

TNT Wings!!



InternetPeon t1_j6ktufp wrote

Wow just think what you could do with $1.5 million dollars in chicken wings.

if they all flapped together how much lifting capacity do you think they might have?


Zenmedic t1_j6kxvfx wrote

Lots of lift force, but for some reason you always end up in Buffalo.


Skitz707 t1_j6l3xtr wrote

Hey for me that sounds great… like in a video game when you blow the whistle and it always takes you home…


RollinThundaga t1_j6ky7at wrote

Asian or European chickens?


shawnwasim t1_j6nl2cv wrote

Chickens weigh an average of 7.5 pounds and lets assume they can generate enough lift to barely get off the ground so lift = weight = 7.5 pounds

The cost of chicken is around $1.50 per pound in Chicago. So homegirl stole approximately 1 million pounds of chicken or 133,333 chickens.

1 million pounds of chicken equals 1 million pounds of lift force. So she stole enough chickens to lift several M1 Abrams tanks. Puts into perspective just how much she stole. Or puts into perspective that chicken powered flight would be cheap af.


Dawgsquad00 t1_j6nj8t5 wrote

Definitely enough to carry a coconut to Great Britain


Superpiri t1_j6lxcsm wrote

Zero. Chickens don’t fly.


InnovativeFarmer t1_j6ly838 wrote

Chickens can fly high enough to get into the canopy of trees. Thats where they would normally roost. Their wings get clipped so they dont fly off. The modern chicken is a distant descendant of a bird from Asia but domesticated chickens can still fly high enough that coops would have to either have really tall fences or some sort of roof enclosure. I have seen domesticated chickens that didnt have their wings clipped and they could easily get up into tall oak, maple, and pine trees.


loveinvein t1_j6ku49x wrote

Wasn’t this the pilot of an episode of “Community”?

Oh wait, those were chicken fingers. No bones.


vettrock t1_j6l4w87 wrote

She had to be running or supplying a restaurant with that quantity. I would think there would be others involved.


WorshipNickOfferman t1_j6lsdqz wrote

I found it curious the article lacked any details about exactly where the wings ended up. There must be a high volume end buyer that was buying them from her. Or something along those lines.


Anerky t1_j6lxtzz wrote

You never went into shitty neighborhood and have a guy approach you trying to sell you steaks out of his trunk 😭


jagged203 t1_j6mm50t wrote

A guy in an alleyway next to the lgs I was at tried to sell me meat out of a box once


lapsangsouchogn t1_j6kwj2u wrote

I wonder who has a relative with a wings restaurant?


OldTobySmoker69420 t1_j6lo7l9 wrote

>Surveillance video showed Liddell would arrive at the Gordon Food Services facility to pick up the food, sign an electronic keypad acknowledging she received the chicken wings and then billed the school district for the items, according to the proffer.

So this master criminal would place the order in her own name, show up in person to pick up the ill-begotten wings, and then sign for them herself!

All while blowing through the school's entire lunch budget less than halfway through the school year.

I mean, how did she ever think there was a chance at getting away with this?


nurvingiel t1_j6m3wl7 wrote

Yeah, if she skimmed smaller amounts but stayed under budget (and cut corners in the kitchen to have some wiggle room) she might have pulled this off. Not that I'm going to pursue a life of crime or anything.


PM_RiceBowlRecipes t1_j6l8hpl wrote

I'm excited for more details about this one.

In this articles and others they never say what she did with them. In one article it said they followed her undercover and saw her show up to pick up the wings, sometimes before the place even opened. Hopefully they fill us in.

This was caught in a mid school year audit and they acted quickly. The person in charge of the audit had been on the job for 10 days. If this had been going on for 19 months (she started working in a "consultant" capacity for the district she had been working for over a decade) where were the mid year audits before? Should have been atleast 1 other mid year audit. Not to mention end year and budgeting for the next year.

The distributor didnt neccesarily need to know the wings weren't something the district used because of bones but its suspicious they didnt notice something was off. The invoices were paid so why would they question it I guess?

Covid happened and kids were not in class but the district was still providing meals. Is this just a covid chaos oversight or is there more to this? Where did the wings go? Did she sell them or did she know someone in with distribution?


password_is_burrito t1_j6lqdhj wrote

How much time do you think you get for 11,000 cases of chicken wings? In my mind, she’s playing the long game. In 10 years (with good behavior), she gets to come home to a lifetime supply of chicken wings. #WorthTheRisk

… and before y’all say she’ll have to hand over the wings if she still has them, I’ll say that you don’t steal 11,000 cases of chicken wings without a plan.


ProfessorBackdraft t1_j6lqkm5 wrote

She had to have sold them or there’d be no motive for her to steal them u-n-l-e-s-s she looks like she ate a million bucks worth.


PM_RiceBowlRecipes t1_j6lsesi wrote

I guess more specifically I'm curious where she sold them. Obviously she didnt eat 11,000 cases. Just doing dumb math. Took place over 19 months, there are 578 days. 11,000 cases divided by 578 is about 19. So every single day without fail she would have to go and pick up 19 cases of chicken. I doubt she didnt take a day off but that puts it into perspective. 1.5 million divided by 11k is about $136 per case which sounds right from my past experience working in restaurants. That's a lot of chicken. Did she have a deal with local restaurants who didnt say anything because they got a deal? Was she Robin hood and donated it? Did she know someone in distribution (the people who loaded up her van before the distribution center opened) and then she just driver behind the building and gives back the chicken and they continue to sell it as normal so now that money is essentially laundered and they just balance the books and take cuts? The cops followed her so they know but nothing else has been included. The wingspericy is interesting.


[deleted] t1_j6l109o wrote

I’ll tell you who took those lunches, that damned Sasquatch.


KaizenPax t1_j6l4l7d wrote

They better set the bail high, otherwise he might be a …… flight risk.


CBJ11071 t1_j6ll61e wrote

Buys $1.5 million worth of chicken wings for “school lunch”. Meanwhile, school cafeterias: “we don’t serve chicken wings..because bones.” Criminal mastermind


Cetun t1_j6li94x wrote

They denied her bail because she was a flight risk.

The defended objected saying that the judge had a bone to pick with her.

The judge replied that he actually prefers boneless.


accis4losers t1_j6lljhu wrote

>300k over budget halfway through the year.

how are people this fucking stupid thinking they won't get caught?


Tkainzero t1_j6lknfo wrote

There is so much more to this story then they have found out.


45inc t1_j6m95sm wrote

Abed ?


i-opener t1_j6kwai8 wrote

Daaaamn! How hungry do you have to be? I can't eat more than like 8.


[deleted] t1_j6kykp4 wrote



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Acceptable_Wall4085 t1_j6l835d wrote

No word on where they went. And how little they paid. In cash of course.


nonsensepoem t1_j6l9uhq wrote

That's enough money embezzled that even after sentencing they will probably end up profiting.


clusterfucken t1_j6lo0fp wrote

who knew there was a better way to get tendies than meme stocks


AshMCairo t1_j6mp63n wrote

No, Brian! Those chicken wings are really spicy! Don't eat those!

I've never seen a man eat so many chicken wings!


NoobSmokes t1_j6o1yi8 wrote

This reminds me of the time when I worked for Red Robin and the dishwasher at the time stole all the beef and hid it all in the dumpster.


[deleted] t1_j6kubul wrote



reclusive_ent t1_j6kzn9c wrote

Did you read the article. It was the director of food services. She was caught when an audit was done.


[deleted] t1_j6l0x05 wrote



reclusive_ent t1_j6l1lsi wrote

As I included details as to how she was caught, aka oversight, you know I read the article, yeah? Its easier for the one in the position of power to "get away" with a scheme, but not forever.


f1del1us t1_j6l1fnq wrote

She had no business being director if her embezzling put them 30% over budget halfway through the year and she thought she wouldn't get caught.