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assault_pig t1_j6e9ril wrote

any fellow american can tell you that if you want to reduce violence, you just need more guns!


kevinds t1_j6ez6d3 wrote

>any fellow american can tell you that if you want to reduce violence, you just need more guns!

You forgot the /s....


SomebodyInNevada t1_j6eq9hd wrote

The Palestinian terrorists are provided guns by their government. As usual, gun laws basically only are relevant to the law-abiding.


popejubal t1_j6f43bj wrote

It’s very hard to stop violence like this in an occupied land.


SomebodyInNevada t1_j6fdtkj wrote

Occupied? There's no contesting government claim on the land.

And right/wrong has almost nothing to do with the level of violence. Terrorist movements only exist where there is outside funding for the terrorism. If oppression were the factor then Western Sahara would be a bloodbath--but since it's Muslim vs Muslim with no outside backers we almost never hear a peep about it.


SomebodyInNevada t1_j6guc63 wrote

Except for the little detail that the former owners of the land quickly disclaimed ownership as soon as Israel captured them (they never wanted them, the whole purpose was to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state)--at this point there is no competing claim and Gaza is claimed by nobody at all.