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theflamingheads t1_j4otlt0 wrote

Fortunately, it's unlikely that a teenager would be able to gain access to a way of killing their peers. Everyone can rest easy.


Snoopy_Dancer t1_j4qfhax wrote

SMH, imagine the lawsuits that would happen if anything were to go down.


TooSmalley t1_j4ow6uk wrote

I get the concern but I knew one or two classmates who did that in high school. They were just being edgy shitheads and were just not have a great time at high school. They never acted out violently and luckily seems to be doing fine as adults.

It’s a real tough situation. Plenty of people fantasize about stuff like this but don’t act out. Assuming an investigation took place and it was established the person doesn’t have access to things like firearms and is receiving support like counseling, hard to say if expelling them is the best course of action.


RedEyeView t1_j4ph1pq wrote

There's a couple of people I'd quite like to unalive... in theory.

In practice, I'm just not that good at violence.

Fortunately we don't have easy access to something that would level the playing field in the UK.


-Raskyl t1_j4q9wy3 wrote

Right, because knives, and hatchets, and metal pipes, fertilizer/propane bombs, those have never hurt anyone. Only guns.

Doesn't matter where you are or what is available. If someone wants to cause violence and chaos, there is a way, guaranteed.


RedEyeView t1_j4zwp1f wrote

Knives, hatches and pipes require me to get within punching distance or close too. Like I said, I'm not very good at fighting.

A bomb requires planning and a certain amount of technical knowledge.

To kill you with a gun I just need to lose my temper when I have the gun and I can kill from the other side of the room.

It turns a small, angry man like me in to a very dangerous one. My anger is self limiting usually because like I said, small, not very good at fighting, if I over step the mark I get my ass beat.

Not if I've got a pistol in my coat.


-Raskyl t1_j4zwvjt wrote

So now your argument is that those weapons don't level the playing field enough, lol.

Point is kids in England hurt eachother with weapons all the time. Just because they aren't using guns, doesn't mean there aren't people with problems.


RedEyeView t1_j4zxpk8 wrote

No. My argument has been the same. You're the one moving the goalposts in order to avoid dealing with my point that a gun makes it extremely easy to kill someone in way that those other weapons do not.


-Raskyl t1_j4zxtne wrote

I never moved the goal posts. I pointed out that other weapons are also considered equalizers.

You are the one moving the goal posts by declaring these other weapons to not equalize enough.


RedEyeView t1_j4zxyvb wrote

Got to love intellectual dishonesty.


-Raskyl t1_j4zy2bt wrote

And your denial


RedEyeView t1_j4zybpb wrote

No denial. You've wilfully misrepresented what I said, moved the goal posts from killing to 'hurting' and are trying to argue in favour of gun ownership by claiming they're no more dangerous than a baseball bat.

Which is why wars are still fought with swords and clubs.


-Raskyl t1_j4zykiw wrote

Lol, I didn't misrepresent anything. You in fact did misrepresent what I said though.


RedEyeView t1_j4zy4eh wrote

Here's a question. If guns aren't more dangerous than knives or bats, why do you need one?


-Raskyl t1_j4zyi30 wrote

I never said they weren't more dangerous. I said other weapons are also dangerous.


cheesefromagequeso t1_j4rk8ys wrote

How long ago was that? Because school shootings are now a literal common occurrence and I would be worried as well.


Letshavedinner2 t1_j4teom8 wrote

Plenty of people do not fantasize about that. It’s not common.


kevinds t1_j4oxds5 wrote

>Kentucky parents concerned after teen who compiled ‘kill list’ allowed to return to school

I mis-read the headline.. I initally thought it said completed..

Compiled.. Meh... Next time, don't write the title.. Can claim anything if your list is found..


Brewing_Tea t1_j4r20cv wrote

Wait, Kentucky has had SCHOOLS this whole time????


Inconceivable-2020 t1_j4qyy9k wrote

After he shoots up the place, School and Police officials will shrug and say, there were no warning signs.


casualdadeqms t1_j4rcvmb wrote

Kentucky is used to being ranked near the bottom for nearly everything, they've embraced being competitively bad.


Ymandac t1_j4q30vp wrote

And they also don’t want gun control. Go figure.


InflamedLiver t1_j4osq3t wrote

Can’t put him in prison yet and kids are required to go to school… figured they’d put him in like a continuation school or juvie at least


-Raskyl t1_j4qa44z wrote

Hating people enough to want to kill them, is not a crime. Writing their names down, not a crime. If the perpetrator did nothing more than this, they have no grounds to put them in juvie.

All they can really (and should) do, is make them see a therapist and make sure their home life is ok.


PhasmaFelis t1_j4qcg4g wrote

Seriously planning to commit murder is definitely a crime.

I don't know the situation, maybe the kid was just being an edgy dork and never meant to actually act on it. But it's not the case that the system can't take action until a trigger is pulled.


-Raskyl t1_j4qexxo wrote

Ya, writing someone's name down is not "seriously planning to commit murder". That's my point.


PhasmaFelis t1_j4rf2im wrote

The article gives no details. Neither of use has any idea how far his plan did, or didn't, go.


-Raskyl t1_j4rtf80 wrote

I assume that if it went far enough to be considered attempted murder, they would have been charged with attempted murder and not let back into the school at the very least, because that would be legal grounds to do so. The fact they weren't, and are being allowed back, heavily implies it did not go far enough to warrant any charges being issued......


money_sandwich t1_j4ppqet wrote

Maybe it's just me but I don't think cutting a troubled kid off from society or throwing him in jail is the proper course of action.


Ylvison t1_j4q2iae wrote

i agree with those parents.


foolishcreed t1_j4qgvs4 wrote

I'm glad they were able to return to school. This happened to me twice while in high school though my list never once mentioned threats. That's why the court ruled in my favor.