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adrianmakedonski t1_j4xa52i wrote

It can sound however it sounds, it's true. You literally don't know what you're talking about and therefore, this conversation is over. When you're ready to open your mind to actual trans experiences from actual trans people (not the hypothetical trans people that fill your scenarios), I'll be here ready to talk.


Justbe333 t1_j4xdszq wrote

More of a free-mind than an open one, but it’s open just not SO open that my brains slip out.. I think I’ll pass. But final thought. if you actually have gender dysphoria, i think you’re gonna realize that ALOT of your trans buddies ,don’t …and those of the people I was referring to as far as being ‘influential’. there’s evidence now, but not enough for it to be beyond refute. May be years down the line, but I think it’ll shine its light . And that’s not a cis opinion, or from my mind, itsthe opinion of a transwoman -that I happen to agree with. Take care.