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oneeyedziggy t1_j586ajq wrote

Imagine how caught off guard Breonna Taylor must have felt

edit: commented before realizing this wasn't about the other patrons being offended by a display of the brutal reality we live in, but some sick fuck GOP shitheels reveling in her death like it was a training video or something. Not sure if/how that changes the context :/


thieh t1_j587ljg wrote

She can't feel a thing now, so it doesn't count.


InternetPeon t1_j58674o wrote

And now for your dining pleasure we present the horrible real life murder of a human being.


Buhlasted t1_j59ocez wrote

Ladies and gentlemen! This is your Republican Party!

Just when you think the Republican Party could not go any lower, we now have a group that needs an extension ladder, in order to be able to reach up, to scrape the bottom of the barrel.


AUWarEagle82 t1_j586yq0 wrote

That's got to be the worse headline of the year, but the year is still early.

At least they didn't play "Baby, it's cold outside" and really trigger people.


PJJefferson t1_j59q7jo wrote

People who live in a black and white world, with no nuance, and nothing that doesn’t fit the narrative is acknowledged as even existing.

For these people, it isn’t enough to like police officers or be in favor of law and order.

You need to believe no police officer has ever done anything wrong, and every story claiming otherwise is a lie.

That every single story of police misconduct can be explained away, with the right video presentation, at the right restaurant.


Jman50k t1_j5anmtr wrote

My understanding is that the owners of the restaurant were gonna tell them not to come back for being hateful people, but decided to give them a whole ass lecture first and the haters clutched their pearls.

Good! These people should be Force to confront the violent reality that their blithe handwaving from positions of relative safety and privilege helps perpetuate. No more letting them just look away and say ”it didn’t happen, it wasn’t that bad, it was their own fault” kinda horseshit.

Force them to gaze directly at their own withered souls, says I. Don’t let them rationalize in comfort!


S_204 t1_j5bzeiw wrote

WTF is wrong with Americans. Seriously. Y'all are absolutely unequivocally fucked up. This is just pointless hate.


coleslawww307 t1_j5dljmr wrote

Once when I was in a dinner, a guy died in the bathroom. They called in an ambulance and wheeled the body out of the dinner, didn’t shut down or stop serving for a second. Bizarre


TAG_8-5 t1_j58um8o wrote



blahbleh112233 t1_j5991x9 wrote

Pretty bold for the NAACP statement to apologize only to black children
