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PizzaPlanetPizzaGuy t1_j5c1utt wrote

It's been a thing since before women lost their pockets, not sure of the when and where though. When it comes to body language both hands in your pockets indicates shyness and powerlessness, which is not very professional and not what you want from a leader. A lot of manners come from policing your actions to improve your body language and therefore how people perceive you.


ManlySyrup t1_j5c3xhb wrote

Yeah no, I just like putting my hands in my pockets when my arms are tired of just dangling about doing nothing. I enjoy the warmth too, it's comfy.

This "body language" thing sounds like a load of BS to me.


PizzaPlanetPizzaGuy t1_j5c5mr3 wrote

Well you'll be glad to know that a lot of people and career paths don't give a shit about manners anymore, so go right ahead. This thread was however speaking about a position that does still require a certain level of professionalism.


ManlySyrup t1_j5c6b5z wrote

The (flawed) general opinion is that putting your hands in your pockets means something bad. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean shit, some people like to do it and will continue to do it. It is only "unprofessional" to those that believe putting your hands in your pockets indicates shyness and powerlessness (it does not).


PizzaPlanetPizzaGuy t1_j5cazwq wrote

You're preaching to the choir my friend. My hands live in pockets when I have access to them, was just trying to answer someones question.


ManlySyrup t1_j5cb65c wrote

Ah, my bad then. I thought since you're downvoting me that means you're disagreeing with me so I was confused. So why are you downvoting me anyways lol?


PizzaPlanetPizzaGuy t1_j5cbmwn wrote

I haven't downvoted anything today, I'm pretty stingy with both arrows. My points have been fluctuating as well.


bloodmonarch t1_j5doduj wrote

Reddit is truly home to some of the most insane people lmao