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DJWGibson t1_j6ap9em wrote

It seems stupid, but if one store was, say, selling a Cadbury's chocolate bar that contained chocolate and another store was selling a similarly shaped bar with similar wrapping and the same branding but which contained a brown coloured edible oil product you'd feel cheated, even if the small print of the package clearly said "candy bar with chocolate flavour."

This is why brands have trademarks. You expect one thing when you buy a product.

It's basically a company making a knockoff version of their own product...


usagizero t1_j6d5wrl wrote

>a Cadbury's chocolate bar

You are closer than you think with your analogy. "there are minimum standards for chocolate. In the UK it must contain a minimum of 30% cocoa. However, in the US it needs to only contain 10%." US chocolate is notoriously different tasting to EU chocolate, to me it tastes of paraffin, very waxy, while UK chocolate is more creamy.

Heck, cheese and butter where i live is similar, very strict about what can be called either. "Cheese food" can be seen on things not quite cheese, and it always amused me.


-burgers t1_j6dlfld wrote

In the us we also have a problem with ice cream. It has to contain at least 10% of milk fat, and ice cream must have no more than 100% overrun and weigh no less than 4.5 lbs. per gallon. Anything lower is labeled as a frozen dairy dessert. The frozen dairy dessert ice cream is a few dollars cheaper, and 100%+ overrun, resulting in a lot of fluff and no substance.


Sarah_withanH t1_j6dunmn wrote

I have to wonder if this is the same for other countries too. I recently got some Japanese branded Kit-Kats from the Asian market, and the chocolate was way, way better than American Kit-Kats.


usagizero t1_j6dwvjs wrote

Oh, don't get me started on Japanese Kit-Kats! lol. Not only is the chocolate better tasting, they have so many more flavors, and while some are a miss for me, some are awesome and even just having the choices is great.


DJWGibson t1_j6d6uxf wrote

There’s a reason I chose a UK brand for that analogy rather than Hersheys…


DeathLeopard t1_j6en1mk wrote

It's owned by an American company for more than a decade now. Or maybe I misunderstood and you were referring to the recipe changes after they took over.


DJWGibson t1_j6flcnw wrote

Cadbury is still headquarted in the UK. (In London actually.)

It's owned by Mondelez International, which started in America, but Cadbury is still a separate company and not a division or branch.


sealmeal21 t1_j6e93s0 wrote

Branding. That's the only thing that matters here. In the eyes of the law they don't care if you put shit in a bottle but once you brand it it's a big deal. If they wanted to do this they should have had China make it and send it over. Chiba does this with a million things already.


StuffinYrMuffinR t1_j6b1ssr wrote

So if you accidentally grabbed a diet coke instead of a normal coke, you think it's cokes fault you can't read?


DJWGibson t1_j6b8ec8 wrote

Diet Coke, Coke, Caffeine Free Coke, and Coke Zero all have very different colour schemes on their label for that reason.

If someone tried to grab a Diet Coke or Caffeine-Free Coke and instead got a full sugar and full caffeine Coke that could be problematic for someone with diabetes or an allergy.

Selling an alcohol-free drink at alcoholic drink prices in a bottle that almost exactly look like the whiskey bottle ( feels like a scam.


jtoppan t1_j6bhfy6 wrote

It’s not alcohol free. It’s just half strength malt liquor, rather than whiskey.


NerdyToc t1_j6brw7t wrote

So you agree, it looks the exact same as the whisky bottles, but it doesn't contain whisky.

Or, to use your coke analogy, it looks identical to a coke bottle, but the ingredients say it contains aspratame instead of sugar.


FreneticPlatypus t1_j6an6ld wrote

No one drinking Fireball gives a shit.


biscovery t1_j6ee0hj wrote

They are selling an identical looking product that has half as much alcohol. I didn’t even realize those things had half as much alcohol as the airplane bottle they sell in liquor stores. They were 100% screwing their customers. Who the hell wants a shot of whisky with 16.5% alcohol?


FreneticPlatypus t1_j6er9qv wrote

People that want to drink all night and brag about finishing off a bottle themselves, people that like the taste and don’t need the buzz to get all the way to falling down drunk, people that can’t be bothered to mix a drink and don’t want to do shots of straight liquor, etc. See there’s no accounting for taste - just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean that no one should. No one I’ve ever known is buying Fireball because they want a half decent whiskey or even a shitty flavored whiskey. They buy it because it’s cheap and easy.


biscovery t1_j6exle1 wrote

Some people may not care but it’s deceptive. Change the label color so people know its a different product with 16.5% alcohol. No one else sells airplane bottles of booze with an inferior product that i know of except fireball.


[deleted] t1_j6dbcae wrote

You’re probably right. Besides, what self respecting individual over the age of 16 drinks fireball???


alzee76 t1_j6ai91x wrote

"Lawsuit claims label is true." 🙄


Feshtof t1_j6bi5zy wrote

He does not argue the label is not true. Just that the combination of all the other elements and only the small text indicating otherwise is misleading.


alzee76 t1_j6bs5m8 wrote

> only the small text indicating otherwise is misleading.

There is more than this. It's not just the small text on the back, it doesn't say whiskey anywhere on the front of the bottle -- as all the whiskey actually does.

Sure the label looks virtually identical but for that, but that's called... branding. You have to be somewhat mentally deficient to believe that Fireball whiskey can be sold in your local gas station, but no other brands are allowed in, and then to not actually look at it but just blindly buy it..

This is the same jackass who sued Velveeta last year claiming their shells & cheese takes more than 3.5 minutes to make, and has filed something like 400 or 500 lawsuits like this. Special seat in hell reserved.


nerf___herder t1_j6buprq wrote

Several gas stations in my area sell liquor. I would find this confusing.


hwutTF t1_j6c7r8d wrote

> it doesn't say whiskey anywhere on the front of the bottle -- as all the whiskey actually does.

fun fact: you're wrong. here's what the canadian version of fireball looks like. yes it's whiskey. no the word isn't anywhere on the battle. yes the canadian version is sold in the US

> you have to be somewhat mentally deficient to believe that Fireball whiskey can be sold in your local gas station

lots of gas stations are in fact legally allowed to sell liquor

> This is the same jackass who .... has filed something like 400 or 500 lawsuits like this. Special seat in hell reserved.

someone who systematically holds companies accountable for misleading marketing is reserved a special seat in hell? weird priorities dude


IvyTh3Twisted t1_j6ehise wrote

Oh No! Think of the poor billion dollar conglomerates /s

If it’s frivolous they can prove so in court. Either way they (the company) will be fine, but someone really need to hold them accountable, for their bullshit. After all companies pretty much have same legal rights as people.

Stella Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants, P.T.S., Inc. and McDonald's International, Inc. case is a great example of company PR being used to sway public opinion in favor of massive company who couldn’t give less Fs about anything but profit.


Feshtof t1_j6bsgra wrote

>Special seat in hell reserved.

For suing companies with misleading marketing? Clearly needs an express lane straight down.


alzee76 t1_j6bsm0c wrote

For filing hundreds of frivolous lawsuits over advertising material that is only "misleading" to a 6 year old.


IxamxUnicron t1_j6bsh8u wrote

It tastes good and it temporarily cures my depression so who cares what's in it?


[deleted] t1_j6bntsv wrote

Who buys these tiny bottles anyhow?


Nightcat666 t1_j6btyp0 wrote

I worked at a gas station briefly and you would be surprised. Had people come in buying 10+ at a time.


usagizero t1_j6d69yn wrote

I saw an episode of COPs (i know, i know) where a drunk driver was pulled over, and while the cop was searching her car, he kept pulling like over a dozen of those little Fireball bottles out. All empty. I'm guessing here, but maybe it's easier to drink while driving, like taking a quick shot vs having to recap a big bottle.


cryo_burned t1_j6ctd38 wrote

A few liquor stores by me have shelves of just these minis by the checkout area for under a dollar each.

If there's something you want to sample, or maybe you want a shot of jack (lol or Fireball), but don't want a whole bottle


Firm_Transportation3 t1_j6iq3i8 wrote

I don't drink, but went to a liquor store recently to get a shot bottle of bourbon to make a bourbon chicken sauce. I was behind three people in line who all bought multiple shot bottles for some reason. Popular stuff.


RettoBastion t1_j6cndpt wrote

Five years I sold liquor. Those minis has to be restocked every hour.


silvermesh t1_j6ed6et wrote

I've known more than one (high functioning?)alcoholic who uses them for portion control. If I buy a few of these instead of a bigger bottle, I'll still be able to get up in the morning. The bigger bottle is a better deal only if you can keep yourself from drinking the whole thing once you've opened it.

A more expensive empty bottle and possibly a lost job in the morning is a worse deal in the long run than a few shooter bottles.


WumpusFails t1_j6cd7cc wrote

I'd guess someone trying to find out what they like.


Malforus t1_j6cp5f7 wrote

Legal for bringing on planes but not to drink on said plane.


Spot_Mysterious t1_j6cxn60 wrote

At alot of liquor stores where I live its cheaper to buy a bunch of little bottles instead of a pint


DoctorSalt t1_j6e43g9 wrote

Apparently some guys in Boston. I believe it's because it's either closed or empty, so no open container law


inkseep1 t1_j6fb90l wrote

People buy the small bottles to mix with their soda. At one gas station here there is a sign that says you can't mix alcohol with the soda while inside the store.


ernyc3777 t1_j6fc7tp wrote

I work for a beer distributor and we sell the malt beverage with whiskey flavored ones.

That version is non distilled and made by a malting process that mimics the flavor but is not distilled at any point during the process so it can be sold in grocery stores and gas stations for states that not allow wine and liquor to be sold outside of liquor stores.

We are also no allowed to sell the malt ones to liquor stores. They’re only allowed to sell cider, wine and liquor in liquor stores here.

Also, because of the process, they are required to charge a deposit on the bottle, whereas the distilled ones don’t. At least in NYS.

This seems like they were selling the malt process ones next to the distilled one and someone tested them.

They’re also different ABV. The malt ones are 15(?)% and the distilled ones are 33% so there is also a clear difference on the label for that as well.

I’m not sure how these are sold in other states but in NY, they’re distinct products sold in different locations and the labels spell out what they are.


chumpy551 t1_j6bw4sf wrote

I see a guy that likes those sitting in front of the liquor store sometimes. I will get a few for him if he's there. Should I tell him?


Magneticeye t1_j6dv2gb wrote

At least in PA can’t sell liquor in anything but gov owned wine and spirits so of course we know it’s a malt beverage, pretty good replica IDK what the fuss is about


SCirish843 t1_j6ccfmr wrote

If you're an adult drinking fireball you've got bigger problems to address


ElAutismobombismo t1_j6cqatq wrote

Sincere question, can someone actually explain to me how drinks are both aged and gendered? Originally I got the impression it was about the strength of the drink 'ohh me big strong adult/man can handle higher alcohol content' but I've seen people mocked for drinking drinks with completely equal alcohol content (wkd being just as alcoholic as beer/cider springs to mind).

Like what's the actual message / condition here, it actually baffles me.


SCirish843 t1_j6crg00 wrote

Usually social stigma and context. Fireball has less proof that regular whiskey and it's flavored so generally it's preferred by younger/less experienced drinkers, because of that it's just associated as a college shot that people should "grow out of". To your 2nd point I think stigma answers as well, a long island iced tea has a ton of liquor in it but is still a lot of times seen as a drink only garbage people drink. At the end of the day, just drink what you like.


silvermesh t1_j6edx38 wrote

So usually I would agree with you but fireball is really disgusting so for the most part the only people who drink it are people who just haven't experienced enough different types of drinks.

I've literally never met someone who drank it that didn't also see it as a punishment for themselves/friends making them drink more of it via drinking games etc. That dumb "drinking to actually try to hurt yourself and others" mindset is one you rarely see live past those younger years of drinking.


lily_from_ohio t1_j6cvf88 wrote

Some of it definitely comes from baseless macho shit of "My drink stronger/Taste more different"

Fireball and other "cheap" liquor and drinks tend to be "tied to an age" due to price vs experience from the drink. Fireball is low quality whisky, and extremely cheap by comparison to other whiskeys, so it's associated with broke college kids who just want to be drunk, not enjoy their drink. Similar to how people will go "A fuckin 4Loko? Are you a junior in college?". They're ultra cheap, taste like battery acid, and are really just there to be very high ABV.

TL;DR cheap "shitty" (Be it actually shitty or pecieved to be on average) alcohol is what underage and desperate people buy to get shredded, people don't like that association sometimes


Yotsubato t1_j6d1s2x wrote

I usually don’t drink fireball, but when I’m skiing in the cold, it’s quite good. The high sugar gives me energy, and the heat warms me up.


hwutTF t1_j6fq2j8 wrote

liquor that's really cheap, has a reputation for tasting terrible = young

fruity = not serious = girly!

the gender one is a combination of two things. one some hang ups about how certain kinds of mixed drinks aren't "serious". this is a palette thing, where the more the alcohol flavour isn't overpowered or disguised, somehow the more serious it is. these people feel self important for their palette essentially. the other part is that these drinks tend to be quite pretty. they tend to be colorful and have cute decorations like little umbrellas and we all know men are stripped of their manhood if they come in contact with a decorative umbrella

the gender one is fucking goofy. the idea that women don't know fine liquor is silly, the idea that drinks with flavour added are more serious is silly, the uses that colourful umbrellas are girl is silly. the funniest part is the number of men who spend time drinking alcohol they don't like the flavour of just to be "serious". lmao bro that's sad

the age idea is partially about their palette, but also mostly about the notion that young people tend to drink for the sake of drinking because it's just become available to them. they tend to not have a lot of experience with liquors, they tend to be drinking in high quantities (if they're partying), and they tend to have little money. so they tend to go for the cheapest stuff and either not care about how awful it tastes OR they become accustomed to the taste and like it.

there's some truth to the age one because if you have an option other than everclear or fireball, you'll usually take it

fireball is one of the most contentious ones because everyone either hates the taste and thinks it's the worst thing they've ever encountered on earth or they love it. Ive heard multiple car mechanics swear fireball tastes exactly like coolant

oh and it has an exceptionally strong smell so everyone KNOWS if you're drinking fireball. i one walked into dive bar that had fireball on tap and damn that place had a..... unique smell


darknyteorange t1_j6ccqiq wrote

For real, I thought only teenage girls drank Fireball


SCirish843 t1_j6ccwbv wrote

Fireball and Rumpleminze, if I smell rumple now I'll get nauseous


darknyteorange t1_j6ccyjz wrote

I bet there's a story behind that hahaha


SCirish843 t1_j6cdi9w wrote

Not a fun one, I bartended through college and fireball and rumple are always the 2 shots non industry people buy you while you work (Jameson, a mid tier tequila, or fernet are usually what other F&B people will buy you) so after a while my body just started refusing them. I could probably take a fireball shot and then gag a little bit afterwards but I literally couldn't swallow rumple at this point. Ive been in bars where people around me are shooting rumple and the smell alone makes me sick