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brownsfan760 t1_j5hgyf8 wrote

Oh man, how do you play that? You confirm Santa, she never trusts the police after the age of 8. Admit santa doesn't exist You ruin this person's childhood.


Ulthirm t1_j5i2qny wrote

The truth, DNA test came back nonconclusive, and maybe give the parents a hint to say something like "Santa took all the food he touched to be courteous" or something if they dont wanna say Santa isnt real.


sudomatrix t1_j5ilo1z wrote

> “she never trusts the police after 8”

Don’t worry this one will sort itself out.


Avethle t1_j5iqtns wrote

Why the fuck do people think that finding out Santa Claus isn't real means a "ruined" childhood. Like seriously, most cultures throughout history never had a Santa Claus. Hell, I wasn't raised believing in Santa Claus. You guys are weird.


Bainshee t1_j5ix1vp wrote

Childhood ruined is a bit of an exaggeration, but a lot of the christmas magic is gone. You can't understand it if you never had it. I think you can compare it to being heartbroken after a break up. If you never loved someone before, you wouldn't get how it feels.


RoboChrist t1_j5jkbe6 wrote

Of course it's going to be a bit traumatic, Santa is an incarnation of the perfect father who isn't around to make mistakes.

He's the closest thing most children have to worshipping an actual deity and not just paying lip service. Santa gives presents, not vague promises of salvation, and these presents actually show up!


BooPointsIPunch t1_j5kq8en wrote

We told our child Santa is make believe right away. He doesn’t seem to be complaining.


Solidsnakeerection t1_j5jwqt4 wrote

My kid stooped believeing in Santa but never really announced it. I asked her about it and she said believing in Santa is more fun so thats what she goes with.

Im not entirely sure where she is with the tooth fairy.


Silicon_Knight t1_j5jxrim wrote

My brother did this but because he thought he wouldn’t get gifts if he said he knew lol


zachtheperson t1_j5j3ubo wrote

Easy: Santa is illusive. You teach that DNA tests require a sample to match it to, so they'll hold onto her request, but unfortunately have to wait until they aquire a sample from Santa to match it to.

Now if she gets wise and says "ok, try to match it to a sample from my dad," that could get a bit trickier


Miss-Figgy t1_j5k0m2w wrote

They're using the "maaaaaaaaaaybe...stay tuned!" tactic

>The Cumberland Police Department responded to the young girl with "some already uncovered evidence in support of Santa Claus' presence in her neighborhood" on Christmas Eve, a photo of what appeared to be a deer with antlers. The Cumberland Police Department said it is awaiting test results, and asked residents to stay tuned for more information.


BunchaCreeps t1_j5jws61 wrote

I don’t think she’s gonna think about it so deep to not trust the police

Regardless, 8 is as good a time as any to start teach kids that you shouldn’t trust authority figures 100% of the time


aCleverGroupofAnts t1_j5jw211 wrote

Tell her that you need more than a little saliva to get a DNA sample. Also Santa's DNA would have to already be in the system. It was a good try, but it simply wouldn't work.


24-Hour-Hate t1_j5kqm05 wrote

I think that if a child is having significant doubts, then you tell them the truth. Otherwise, you risk them not trusting you. I don't think that it will ruin their childhood and if they're already doubting, that magical time of just believing in santa is already gone.