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azspeedbullet t1_j93r1iy wrote

the mta does not pay for the billboards, there is a ad company that does. a popular one is outfront media


[deleted] OP t1_j93s4xz wrote



icecubez189 t1_j94rifg wrote

Its almost always a private-public partnership. A lot of the infrastructure is built out by the private sector. Theres plenty of ad revenue to be had servicing the millions of riders in one of the largest public transportation network in the world. Plus it modernizes our stations and we benefit from more information. Win-win situation really.


myassholealt t1_j93tih1 wrote

I like them. But as we're in r/nyc the answer has to be omg it's the worst thing ever. What a waste of money. It's so garbage. MTA sucks and is corrupt. Just horrible all around.


Galahad_Threepwood t1_j944vi7 wrote

What is there to like about a giant advertisement that is in your way?


myassholealt t1_j945p5a wrote

How exactly is it in my way? The majority are mounted to walls and I can't phase through walls. And the ones on platforms are no different than the old stands that had the map on one side and posters about service changes on the other.


Galahad_Threepwood t1_j947bnb wrote

The ones on the platforms are often in my way when the platform is crowded. But look you are right, that is almost beside the point. They are ugly as sin and just suck to have to look at. I’m surprised they aren’t destroyed more often.


rectifiedspiritomb t1_j940qm7 wrote

I don't see any negative side to this. People just love to whine and complain about everything.


Arleare13 t1_j93vij9 wrote

I don't exactly love them, but if they serve as a reliable revenue source for the MTA, and as long as they're not too obstrusive (i.e., no sound), I'll tolerate them.


DamnAds420 t1_j93ym5e wrote

If it's the map one then it's cool, otherwise....



thecloudcities t1_j94egsy wrote

I don’t mind them in principle, but the amount of times I have noticed something important-looking on them and then have the screen change as I’m halfway through reading it is mind-boggling. And who the hell knows when that information is going to come back? At least have a counter or something for when I need to look at the screen again.


mc408 t1_j94fpg9 wrote

I enjoy the digital billboards and find it a shame so many are already destroyed. I spent 2 weeks in Japan a month ago, and all their trains’ digital signage was pristine. They even had paper ads hanging unprotected from the train car ceilings. Here, those would be ripped down within minutes.


ldd- t1_j94k6hp wrote

Don’t sweat it … Outfront Media is just an Out-Of-Home media company … they do billboards and such. They pay for installation/operation, and handle all ad sales. The MTA never handled ad sales or anything with old paper ads … there is nothing new here from a business model perspective for the MTA … and sound is prohibited.


Juggalo_holocaust_ t1_j94uwd7 wrote

I don't mind them as much as the fucking screens in the back of taxis.


gh234ip t1_j93z4q6 wrote

When did subway cars become carts?

All the rats running around in the subway generate enough electricity to run those screens


[deleted] OP t1_j94ggmb wrote



gh234ip t1_j94ogpw wrote

You're not the only one, I've been seeing it in threads for a while. I've lived in this city for over 50 years and it's always been a subway car, but somehow for some reason cart has become more mainstream at least here.


Wowzlul t1_j93tmh2 wrote

More screens with attention-grabbing animated graphics are the last thing people need in 2023.

One of the great things about the train is that it's a public space where you need to just sit and zone out, think, observe people around you. Sure you have your smartphone panting in your pocket but that's easy enough to ignore with the shitty signal.

With a screen shouting for your attention and pushing your brain's buttons that's just one less space available in the modern world for reflection and calm.


rectifiedspiritomb t1_j9411e8 wrote

Reflection and calm in the subway? That's a first.... LOL


Wowzlul t1_j941vh9 wrote

It Huh? Sorry but I'm gonna have to push back on this.


FarFromSane_ t1_j94795t wrote

+1. It’s not always perfect but 98% of the time I do have an opportunity for reflection and calmness. I don’t always take that opportunity, sometimes watching downloaded content on my phone or whatever. But when I want to have a calm reflecting ride, I usually can.


Unable-Ad3852 t1_j949cfm wrote

I'm pretty sure you're either going to be arrested or stabbed if you observe people too intently. Dunno a single new Yorker that's comfortable with being stared at in the subway.


Wowzlul t1_j949yhd wrote

But...I didn't say to stare at people?

Wtf why is it so bizarre to say that it's relaxing to space out on the train and look at what's going on around you?