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civilityman t1_j6t5sxv wrote


Krudark t1_j6tmr8a wrote

I don’t get why we always need to pick blue team or red team and proceed to get fucked in the ass while getting choked out.

Let us vote on the individual fucking issue.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j725aev wrote

I'm a black woman . I was in NJ in October looking for a dress for a wedding (not too far from Paramus). Anyways there were some older white people on an overpass with a sign saying abolish the GOP. I walked up and asked what this was all about. They listed their talking points : abortion (btw they started talking to me like a child because they assumed since I'm black I'm not intelligent to understand these big discussions). I said I think people are more concerned with crime and inflation. They asked me if I was republican. I told them I vote based upon issues not party. This made them very mad. One guy came up, got in my face and told me "I wasn't black" because I don't support either party. I wish I was lying. I have it on video.

People in the north east have lost their fucking minds. Team red team blue no independent thinking, no uniting on issues that affect our quality of life, no discussion about ideas and why someone would think a certain way. To be told to my face I'm not black, as you are looking at me, because I say I vote on issues, you are crazy.

This is why I moved out of NY on Weds. I'm in the Midwest and so far, people treat me like a respectable woman. No in your face political dogma, just people living their lives. Yesterday I spent all day driving around. I only saw 1 police car, all day. The streets are clean, no graffiti, trash, homeless, druggies, political signs, depressed looking people, none of that. People here are happy and friendly and it's diverse. Talking to folks they said when they visited NY everyone was mean and it was very dirty.


Krudark t1_j72dkk7 wrote

Appreciate the reply and you for being an independent thinker. I don’t talk to too many people but the ones I do speak to are very much team red/blue by the numbers.

Your story was a bit shocking to hear that they got mad at you in person. Just for having a different viewpoint.

Wondering if you will share where you moved to? I’m just curious. I’ve lived in NYC my whole life. Often think about moving away from cities someday. Chop some wood and poop in the woods.


scribbles23 t1_j6y4bvl wrote

There's one issue: "Should America be a country with borders? y/n?" Vote how you want.


civilityman t1_j6u1m8v wrote

There should be an option between asylum seekers’ children put in cages and thousands of migrants bussed to northern city where there is absolutely zero infrastructure/funds to handle them.


Krudark t1_j6u22zn wrote

At the very least, I wish people in this country could unite on just changing our government to function better.