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Metroncat t1_j9oltql wrote

I heard a story about a guy who drove to the hospital holding his intestines in his hands after his surgical sutures broke while laughing at a funny show. I think we’ll be seeing some of that if they make this price hike, since ambulance rides are already pricy.


Sad-Principle3781 t1_j9sf6so wrote

That's hilarious. I'd say look on the bright side. Less people calling an ambulance for frivolous trips or calling a less expensive ride for themselves.


Metroncat t1_j9su6nz wrote

Many people who call an ambulance for frivolous trips, don’t have any money to pay for them in the first place. Once, in the span of a week, I saw an ambulance pick up a homeless dude, who ended up on back on the street the next day in a hospital gown. A few days later, they picked him up again. That is just one week.