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EvanMcD3 t1_j6ubckv wrote

I am an upper west side progressive and I hate his guts. He is more than useless. He is dangerous and has made New York City more dangerous. And his dropping the Trump investigation is not a thing any upper West side progressive approves of.


ShenmueFan1 t1_j6w2zfy wrote

If you voted for Hochle, you support Bragg and everything he does. Zelden stated he'd fire Bragg on Zeldin's first day on the job.

If you're a progressive, you voted for Hochel to continue to destroy the city so you can't complain that Bragg is helping destroy the city.


fadsag t1_j6wra5e wrote

It's completely unsurprising that this commenter didn't successfully spell Hochul's name once.


tuberosum t1_j6y1tcm wrote

Or Zeldin for that matter.

In a post referencing three persons there are five different spellings of their names with Bragg's being the only one spelled correctly.

It's downright impressive.


EvanMcD3 t1_j6w6x8d wrote

Yes, I remember the ballot. It had some new boxes to tick: I want to destroy the city. I want to preserve the city. I believe we live in a black and white world, there are no shades of gray. There is only one issue to vote on. There is no nuance. And also this, anyone who votes for X loses their right to state facts and voice their opinion, which some will view as complaining. Complaining is not a right. Complainers who voted for h or b must go to rikers. but they'll be released the next day to complain again. That's why they voted for h and b.


fafalone t1_j6x5c3d wrote

The alternative to bad isn't always good; Zeldin would have fucked up not just Manhattan even worse than Bragg, but been a plague on the entire state.


ShenmueFan1 t1_j6yfa5z wrote

Zeldin would get rid of the trash in the city. While Hochul and puppets are the trash of the city.

NYC is turning into a dump under Democratic leadership. Illegal immigrants destroying NYC just look at Adams, complaining that the city can't take the heat. Crime is through the roof because bail doesn't exist for criminals anymore, they can do what they want. NYC had the MOST residents flee between 2021 to 2022 than any other city/state in the Country. These results don't happen from people who run the city the right way.

Zeldin would have brought NYC back on its feet while Hochul is bringing the city to its knees.

NYC is dying.


MathDeacon t1_j71dtdq wrote

Zeldin couldn’t even dump Trump when he lost. He’s a coward and incompetent


Rottimer t1_j6ukhxi wrote

>He is dangerous and has made New York City more dangerous

Only if you live in the NY Post fantasy world of a burnt down by BLM NYC.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6v0tjm wrote

I guess Jose Alba’s life does not matter. Wonder why…


Rottimer t1_j6v4xf6 wrote

You talking about the guy that was released and charges dropped once the investigation made it clear he acted in self defense? Sounds like his life did matter.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6v59sy wrote

Talking about the guy who was intimidated into exile because he defended himself against one of Bragg’s goons

EDIT: Two of Bragg’s goons. The woman who sent her boyfriend to attack Jose Alba is just as guilty as the man here. She was never charged.


Rottimer t1_j6v7ntc wrote

>Bragg’s goons

Yeah. You’re too far gone. Maybe this city isn’t for you.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6v8cyl wrote

Do you think this is “your city” and that everybody else is your sidekick and has to agree with everything you say or else you declare them “too far gone”? Maybe it’s you who should leave.

I’m Jewish, I’m Latino and I’m Queer. This is the city my communities live in. Communities that are being targeted every day by Bragg’s homophobic and xenophobic goons. Guess what, they’re also targeting the Asian community and the Black community. This is a city of immigrants and queer people. No one is kicking us out. We are standing our ground.


EvanMcD3 t1_j6v2glu wrote

Where do you live? This didn't used to happen: (Source: Not the NYPost)


Rottimer t1_j6v6ni1 wrote

Are you fucking serious? Burglaries didn’t used to happen? In NYC? Did you move here yesterday? Here’s a similar string from 2021 - before anyone on this sub heard of Alvin Bragg

Here is another one

Here is 2019, before the pandemic:

And another one from 2019:

Just a reminder, 2019 was near the record low for crime in living memory for nyc. But go on and tell me how this never used to happen and it’s all the DA’s fault. . .


EvanMcD3 t1_j6w3fp1 wrote

I'm a native New Yorker. And I'm old. I've seen the city go from safe to dangerous to safe to dangerous. It's a cycle. The upper west side was more dangerous in the late 70s and early 80s than it is now. But there are many more random acts of violence now and in my neighborhood more stores are getting hit more frequently. The thing about Bragg is he's not doing anything to stop it. He's not prosecuting people who are caught. He's either an ideologue or based on interviews with the ADA's who resigned over Trump he's chicken. But whatever the reason he's ineffective. Of course you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I think we've both stated our differences clearly. And by the way I am fucking serious