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AnacharsisIV t1_j968jdq wrote

Central Park is itself not a natural development: every rock and blade of grass was placed there as opposed to being a piece of primordial Manhattan forest. And it's filled with invasive species like pigeons and rats already. As long as flaco stays in central park there's nothing for him to fuck up, really.


Lovis_Iovis t1_j96gdnn wrote

Manhattan lies along the Atlantic Flyway, an important migratory route for hundreds of bird species. This route is ancient and ingrained into the DNA of these birds. Regardless of the nature of its construction, Central Park is one of the largest sections of stopover habitat along the urban part of this migratory route. Eurasian eagle owls like Flaco are indiscriminate predators that native birds in the US do not naturally have to deal with. A native great horned owl in Central Park is at risk of predation or injury by this owl, as are red tailed hawks.