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BringMeInfo t1_j6wvl38 wrote

Eh, he also kept reporting his meals as exactly $1 less than the point at which he would legally need to provide a receipt. Everything about the guy is shady AF.


GKrollin t1_j6y7m73 wrote

Where does it say that?


columbo928s4 t1_j6ygghf wrote

on his FEC campaign spending reports. its been reported all over the place


GKrollin t1_j6ygj17 wrote



GKrollin t1_j6yhjs2 wrote

There’s absolutely zero documentation in any of these links but if you have some I’d be happy to review them

How exactly would Santos have calculated the distance of an Uber trip that cost exactly $199.99?


columbo928s4 t1_j6yi8rv wrote

i said it's been widely reported, you asked for a source, i provided a litany. if you want the primary documents you can go to and find them as easily as I can


GKrollin t1_j6yie9s wrote

“It’s been widely reported”

“I don’t actually have the report but it’s been widely reported”

Reminds me of a South Park episode


columbo928s4 t1_j6yirqi wrote

if you are too lazy to navigate to the fec website yourself, you can just say so


GKrollin t1_j6yk1cf wrote

If you have something that substantiates anything you’ve said feel free to share it


columbo928s4 t1_j6yldoz wrote

i already did


GKrollin t1_j6ylmwt wrote

I don’t see an invoice or filing that shows any charge of $199, or 199.99 in your sources


columbo928s4 t1_j6ylo0d wrote

blind i guess


GKrollin t1_j6ylq2j wrote

Show me the light


GKrollin t1_j6zty1p wrote

Lol how would he have even calculated a restaurant bill or a parking time down to a penny


Labiologie t1_j78rbsj wrote

…he lied. I don’t understand how you don’t understand. He lied and put these things at $199.99 because he didn’t have to provide a receipt.


GKrollin t1_j6ylek2 wrote

That’s neat where exactly are those charges listed?

The article you sources has zero links to these reports


BringMeInfo t1_j6yll1s wrote

You wildly overestimate how invested I am in convincing a random internet stranger of something that has been…wait for it…widely reported. Have a great rest of your day.


columbo928s4 t1_j6ylrhb wrote

this guy spends all his time trolling people, don't waste any more time lmao


BringMeInfo t1_j6ymiu8 wrote

Figured as much. I know a sea Lion when I sea one.


GKrollin t1_j6ylso0 wrote

Widely reported but never happened apparently