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Rottimer t1_j6wwcz2 wrote

The bigger your name, generally the more investigated you’ll be. Trump is going through the shit he’s going through because he decided to run for president. Of course journalists and partisans are going to go through his shit with a fine toothed comb. The same thing happened to Obama, the Bushes, McCain, etc.

Think about Obama. They found a video of his pastor giving a sermon that touched on 9/11 when Obama apparently wasn’t even at church that was mildly critical of US foreign policy. That’s how in-depth they looked at his life. McCain has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh. They even combed through her life when she was a child to find something.

So while there might be skeletons in some of their closets. In general, the higher you get, the more scrutiny you get. Don’t run for office if you have unresolved criminal shit in your background (hookers, nannies paid under the table, alcoholism, illicit drug use, etc.). It will come out. And have a story for the resolved criminal shit.

Sadly, you can probably get away with domestic violence.


pompcaldor t1_j6xvpx8 wrote

> Sadly, you can probably get away with domestic violence.

Not domestic violence, but sexual harassment and assault. Because the reporters are in on it too. See: Mark Halperin.