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sanjsrik t1_j72pvj3 wrote

The mayor being his usual sleazy scummy true self.


[deleted] t1_j74op63 wrote

After trying to steal 920k I’m amazed he’s still in office


SynchronousMantle t1_j7bk604 wrote

When was this?


[deleted] t1_j7e7ihx wrote

Google it bro it was like 3-4 months into him taking office


brotie t1_j7fhf30 wrote

Against my better judgement, I googled “Eric Adams 920k” and absolutely nothing comes up except this post. People out here upvoting this dumbass just making stuff up because Eric Adams sucks.

Closest thing I could find was Gotham Gazette talking about that number being what he was eligible for in public matching funds for his campaign, which has nothing to do with what you said.


[deleted] t1_j7hui5c wrote

My mistake, I did the math wrong I thought it said 240k a year but it says 210k a year. He tried to hire his brother as security but it was shutdown and instead he had to hire him for 1$ a year. 210X4=840k and not 240X4=920k


brotie t1_j7i5lzg wrote

How could anyone have possibly guessed that’s what you were referring to? Someone asked for a source and you said “no, google it bro” with zero information that could lead to a result


[deleted] t1_j7ibax9 wrote

I’m talking about mayor adams stealing money…it literally popped up when I googled mayor Adam stealing. Alongside his charity which didn’t give any money to Brooklynites.


[deleted] t1_j7hux8d wrote

Also your first thought after one google search was “I’m gonna go complain”? Not let me try a different wording? I love New York City


mowotlarx t1_j730op3 wrote

>On Tuesday, EDC’s executive committee voted to modify the 2017 agreement so that instead of having to spend the $15 million to improve the pier and install new passenger boarding bridges, Ports America is required only to spend $120,000, primarily to install WiFi in the terminal.

EDC shouldn't exist. Why are we funneling city money to a non-city agency "non profit" and allowing them to manage the funds for MASSIVE developments?


acheampong14 t1_j74uzpc wrote

“Instead, Ports America is newly committing to spend $15 million on constructing improvements at Manhattan’s Pier 90.” I don’t see what the issue is. All this fake outrage.


mowotlarx t1_j76c2qp wrote

Gee I wonder why people would be mad that they abandoned a project in Brooklyn for one in Manhattan.


Inevitable_Celery510 t1_j761l7v wrote

They destroyed Community Boards which once held that power. Young voters have no idea how quickly they destroyed the power of community.

EDCs are the governing body, not the mayor, not the commissioners. The young need to wake up and take the power back before it’s 100% gone!


mowotlarx t1_j76bxsu wrote

Community boards never spoke for the community. They speak for a very small subset of older, more conservative, folks (usually white, usually car owners) who vote in each other and do nothing but try to stop younger people from changing communities in even the smallest ways. They are one of the worst things the city could have thought up to speak for communities. Make them elected positions or dissolve them already.


LTFighter t1_j7302e9 wrote

How long until his tenure ends?


Silo-Joe t1_j7386qk wrote

1062 days ……


threelegcatkungfu t1_j74ey1g wrote

Is the title accurate if they're pulling the money from the Brooklyn terminal and committing it to Manhattan instead?


[deleted] t1_j74ongt wrote

The next mayor after Adams: oh look, another grifter career politician

Seriously tho, after the guy switched from republican to democrat and did absolutely nothing but fail upwards how the fuck did he get voted in???? Why are New York voters so against doing a 10 minute google search about the person they’re voting for…


Thanksss123456789 t1_j758x5r wrote

He literally switched partys 22 years ago.


[deleted] t1_j7592w9 wrote

Right after his first failed attempt at entering politics. The timing on that is just incredible


WheatonWill t1_j773qud wrote

NY’s thinking the next democrat they elect will be any different.