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NYCCrone t1_j8wghu8 wrote

I no longer order delivery because I don’t want to support a system that encourages horribly reckless behavior from delivery drivers - driving on the sidewalks and going the wrong way on streets in ebikes and motorbikes is dangerous and I don’t want a busy subway station in an already complicated intersection to be made even more dangerous by this behavior. No plans were provided as to how many drivers this hub would accommodate nor did representatives of the delivery drivers address pedestrian safety concerns. Finally, no representatives of Grubhub, Uber Eats, Doordash, etc. spoke at the community board hearing - why are taxpayers expected to pay for a hub benefiting these businesses? Why aren’t they paying for it?


drpvn t1_j8wl90q wrote

It’s quite easy to just walk down to a local restaurant and pick the food up.


CorporalDingleberry t1_j8xmlsk wrote

My thing is that what if I want delivery from some place in my neighborhood, but it's more than a few blocks away? (i.e. if I live in the West 60s but there's a place I want food from in the West 80s). 20 blocks each way is a bit far to pick-up food since it may not even be hot when you get it back. Whereas 20 blocks straight down a bike should be pretty quick and easy.

Agreed though that this doesn't mean delivery workers should ride bikes like maniacs. I hate how they go through red lights and go the wrong way.


Shreddersaurusrex OP t1_j91emno wrote

That’s ~ 1.25 miles. Should be worth the driver’s while for such a distance.


D14DFF0B t1_j8xtkr5 wrote

Do you think delivery bikers were perfect, law-abiding angels before seamless came along?


Shreddersaurusrex OP t1_j8wptg0 wrote

The workers are contractors not employees.

Why do you assume that their behavior will be dangerous?


NYCCrone t1_j8wqxpc wrote

Repeated observations of delivery drivers driving without regard to pedestrian safety and complete silence on what steps will be taken to ensure pedestrian safety, which is what the bulk of complaints to the CB around this proposed hub focused on. Look - I know the delivery drivers don’t drive like this because they’re horrible people. It’s a crappy system that incentivizes this dangerous behavior, which is why I don’t order delivery. But these safety concerns need to be considered and addressed.


fapplesauc3 t1_j8x4h40 wrote

It’s a non issue. The primary killer of pedestrians in this city are cars, which take up an inordinate amount of space, not the ebike delivery workers. I see some of them occasionally slowly ride in parts of the sidewalk, but the vast majority of them ride in the road because they can go faster in the road. It’s sad to see people take out their frustrations on these poor immigrants than on the actual problem and pedestrian killers in this city.


Pennwisedom t1_j8wtge2 wrote

>Why do you assume that their behavior will be dangerous?

Yes, why would one assume that thing that constantly happens would continue to happen? A better question is what do you assume it would be different?

But I agree with the guy above, I simply don't order delivery anymore.


[deleted] t1_j8wucob wrote

Go outside for 5 minutes and stand on a corner, you can't be serious.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j8wxofe wrote

Because delivery workers have a long history of being reckless?

To be clear, I understand this is just a symptom of an incredibly predatory system they are working for, but we have to be honest and acknowledge that delivery people engaging in dangerous behavior is systemic and not just anecdotal.