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nychuman t1_j75d3mm wrote

The dog owners in my buildings are bigger animals than the dogs themselves. Shit everywhere on surrounding blocks, unabated barking at all hours of the day and night. It’s an apartment building, not your personal fucking kennel.


good2goo t1_j77hnuv wrote

Man, I live next to tons of people with dogs and they are all normal people. Sorry you seem to have gotten a bad break.


nychuman t1_j77jbpi wrote

Honestly man, I’ve always loved dogs growing up but it has made me very resentful towards them now.

I also felt a little mislead since the building never advertised any rules about dogs and my lease specifically said no pets.

This is what happens when you live in a neighborhood filled with entitled transplants, I guess. Partly my own fault.


matrixreloaded t1_j7fs9th wrote

These people annoy me. I have a dog in an apartment complex and I do not tolerate ANY barking, i have cameras set up with sound notifications so I know whenever she barks (she rarely does now due to training) and also make sure to curb her, pick up her shit and do all the right things because I never want to be THAT guy.

So when fucks just let their dog bark, don’t pick up shit, and let their dogs romp all over strangers it somehow reflects poorly on me and I just want to take their dogs leash, wrap it around their neck and drag them through the shit infested concrete they leave behind.


nychuman t1_j7ggsjw wrote

You’re one of the good ones!

I’ve been constantly woken up at 11pm, 1:30am, 6am, etc from extremely loud and obnoxious barking. There was a day recently where a dog barked for 2 hours straight.

The best part is I don’t know the exact apartment numbers so I can’t even file a formal complaint to the city!