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[deleted] t1_j75e9vd wrote



oreosfly t1_j75exk4 wrote

Jesus fucking christ god forbid an adult has to pick up their doggie for just a few seconds or use a dedicated elevator

Sue me, but it surprises me that some of these so called "adults" can even function properly if that's the length they will go to for a pet. Do these people need to take a shit with their furry friend next to them too?


[deleted] t1_j75fm4l wrote



Mia1v t1_j75nr6p wrote

How about you stop suggesting that doctors do illegal and immoral shit, any doctor writing letters like that should not be allowed to be a doctor


the_bronx t1_j76ddxo wrote

Lol, speak to me in forever single.


oreosfly t1_j76oin0 wrote

I have an SO and a dog that I love as much as any human family member. But guess what - I can function while also following the rules! You know why? Because I’m a normal adult and not a fucking 5 year old


multiequations t1_j76tu2x wrote

An ESA is an actual medical treatment. There’re people who actually who need them to function on a daily basis. If you don’t have a medical reason, you are only ruining this for another person.