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Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j76yiq5 wrote

Dogs are not kids.

The fact is a lot of people find having dogs indoors nasty. I’m one of them. To each their own, but I can’t stand being around them. I don’t want them brushing on my leg, leaving me to smell like dog. Or even worse, licking me or my kid. And my wife is allergic. To each their own. I get that people love them, and I’m ok with that. Thankfully we can avoid them for the most part, as they are not in many public spaces here. And our dog owners friends know this, so they keep them away when we go there. Obviously that’s not expected and we’re grateful, but the fact remains that we probably wouldn’t be visiting anywhere where we’d get molested by their house animals.

The point is that I’d be pissed if I chose an expensive place to live, specifically because of their strict animal policies, just to have them changed by an entitled dog owner that knew the rules of the building when he moved in