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Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j770iu6 wrote

We’re literally talking about having animals in public spaces in a building though. To some, indoor pets are disgusting and they purposely may seek out a building with strict animal policies regarding to public spaces. How is it fair to them if these policies are suddenly changed to suit a very vocal, very entitled animal owner?


[deleted] t1_j77awmm wrote



phoenixmatrix t1_j7droa1 wrote

>Children are JUST as disgusting and I could argue that they should be banned from certain buildings too

That's a strawman if I've ever seen one. I'm no fan of kids myself, but society has considered them a special case for just about every rules since times immemorial, in virtually every country. I'd love to have more childfree spaces, but comparing kids to pets is just silly.