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DJBabyB0kCh0y t1_j73zmdg wrote

Boo hoo with your luxury building. I don't know why high rent should let you do whatever you want. Also sounds like he knew the rules when he got the dog.

I love dogs but the sense of entitlement amongst dog owners in this city is crazy.


SexyEdMeese t1_j74is4c wrote

Many dog owners are really inconsiderate and irresponsible.

I'm lightly allergic, and dog owners in my building will just let their dog jump on me in the elevators and the lobby. I'm ok with dogs around (which is why I ended up renting in a pet friendly building) but holy fuck why would you let it just jump on people. Then there's always a log or two at the tree on the block, and often a puddle of piss literally on our front door step. Again, holy fuck you're in control, don't let it piss wherever it wants...

There are one or two dog owners in my building who keep a tight leash indoors, they're awesome.


nychuman t1_j75d3mm wrote

The dog owners in my buildings are bigger animals than the dogs themselves. Shit everywhere on surrounding blocks, unabated barking at all hours of the day and night. It’s an apartment building, not your personal fucking kennel.


good2goo t1_j77hnuv wrote

Man, I live next to tons of people with dogs and they are all normal people. Sorry you seem to have gotten a bad break.


nychuman t1_j77jbpi wrote

Honestly man, I’ve always loved dogs growing up but it has made me very resentful towards them now.

I also felt a little mislead since the building never advertised any rules about dogs and my lease specifically said no pets.

This is what happens when you live in a neighborhood filled with entitled transplants, I guess. Partly my own fault.


matrixreloaded t1_j7fs9th wrote

These people annoy me. I have a dog in an apartment complex and I do not tolerate ANY barking, i have cameras set up with sound notifications so I know whenever she barks (she rarely does now due to training) and also make sure to curb her, pick up her shit and do all the right things because I never want to be THAT guy.

So when fucks just let their dog bark, don’t pick up shit, and let their dogs romp all over strangers it somehow reflects poorly on me and I just want to take their dogs leash, wrap it around their neck and drag them through the shit infested concrete they leave behind.


nychuman t1_j7ggsjw wrote

You’re one of the good ones!

I’ve been constantly woken up at 11pm, 1:30am, 6am, etc from extremely loud and obnoxious barking. There was a day recently where a dog barked for 2 hours straight.

The best part is I don’t know the exact apartment numbers so I can’t even file a formal complaint to the city!


epolonsky t1_j74s8xz wrote

I was outside twice today for a total of maybe half an hour and on both occasions I had to yell at inconsiderate dog owners who were standing on one side of the sidewalk while their animals were on the other with the leash stretched across.


Zodiac5964 t1_j760pa3 wrote

> but holy fuck why would you let it just jump on people

and when objected to, their response is always "oh but s/he is friendly". No, friendly doesn't mean a free pass to unsolicited contact. Back the fuck off and respect someone else's boundaries.


woodcider t1_j783k2q wrote

I’ve run into a few people over the years who curb their dog. These are good, thoughtful people and responsible dog owners. The vast majority will leave piss puddles right in the middle of the sidewalk and think nothing of it.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bauj2 wrote

Just complain to management? Give them the unit number, floor number or just description of the dog. They’ll warn them, then issue fines.


FormerKarmaKing t1_j77flyi wrote

TFW when a dog owner or two is completely dominating a sidewalk or space with their dogs and they make you feel like you’re walking through their living room.


Papa--Mochi t1_j77tvx7 wrote

>I love dogs but the sense of entitlement amongst dog owners in this city is crazy.

The attitude towards dogs and dog owners in this city is so odd. The fact that they're not allowed on the subway is bizarre to me, as someone from London where it's no issue.

Yeah, there are a few people near me who clearly don't pick up after their dogs, but otherwise, zero issues.


lucyisnotcool t1_j7827sv wrote

>The fact that they're not allowed on the subway is bizarre to me, as someone from London where it's no issue.

They are allowed

Per the MTA: "Dogs and other animals must be in a bag or other container and carried in a way that doesn’t annoy other riders. Service animals and working animals with law enforcement agencies are allowed at all times."


The_Swoley_Ghost t1_j78t6q2 wrote

As someone who is allergic to them, i'm so glad that they are discouraged from being on a packed train with me. If i get dog dander on any of my clothes they need to be washed with hot water immediately or everything else will be contaminated.

Being stuck in a small space with a dog (lots of hair and dander in the air) causes my eyes to turn red, welts to form on my skin, and have trouble breathing. Even if I never touch the dog, we're using the same space.

Also I know multiple neighbors on my block who refuse to pick up after their dogs. They still let their animals go to the bathroom wherever they want but at least they steer clear of my treepit after I confronted them and told them I was going to follow them home and load their mailbox with their own dog's shit from my treepit. It's really a shame that it had to go that far....


Paul_Lanes t1_j74c0rq wrote

How is "Dogs not allowed everywhere in luxury building" news? Would "Luxury building does not allow dogs" also be news?


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j74fwoy wrote

What a dumb story. Apartment buildings in NYC have had rules like this for years. I live in one and while it's reasonably nice, the rents aren't $7,000. The service elevator is constructed so it can easily be cleaned if there's an accident with an animal. Not everyone likes dogs and shouldn't be required to be near them at the front entrance, which is rather narrow. The side entrance is wider and better suited to entering and leaving with an animal.


jallallabad t1_j74cluz wrote

Luxury buildings tend to have stricter rules. This article has it backwards


sportsfan42069 t1_j75hjwm wrote

I always thought that as a building gets more expensive, they have more stick rules, till a breaking point at which point the building caters to the wants and needs of the renters/owners.

If you have f-you money (6-figure yearly rent) and want to walk your dog through the lobby, I am sure you can find a building that will let you do that.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbgc7 wrote

The person isn’t correct whatsoever. I’ve literally lived in, been to, or looked at, the most expensive buildings in NYC. This isn’t a thing, or at least not a common thing.


S3cretBoy t1_j7byakf wrote

This is definitely a thing. But I would say it’s certainly avoidable. My current condo has same rule. Weirdly you can’t walk the dog out of the front door (you must carry or go out the service entrance) but you can walk with your dog through the front entrance if you’re on your way into the building.

Don’t ask me why this a rule, it’s very dumb. I THINK their rational is, you’re dog needs to go out they don’t want it to have an “accident” in the lobby and they don’t want it peeing or shitting right in front of the building where doormen let people in and out.

Of all the doorman buildings (5 or 6 of them) I’ve lived in NYC over a decade, this is the only one that’s done this but it have seen apartments that do this


OldKingRob t1_j76mvbd wrote

Maybe it’s some newly rich people who aren’t used to being told no.


BiblioPhil t1_j77dvt3 wrote

I would think that applies to old money, not new


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbbiu wrote

Not true whatsoever. I’ve lived in a bunch of luxury buildings, visited a ton, and also house hunted in multiple buildings. That’s from 56 Leonard, to One57, to 432, to Jardam. Only letting dogs be in service is not a common thing whatsoever.


thisisntmineIfoundit t1_j75gzms wrote

I mean it’s backwards from what I’ve experienced. Rich people seem to do whatever the fuck they want.


GenshinKenshin t1_j75s9kw wrote

Generally true but often times the owners want a very specific look and “culture” in their spaces.

These rules keeps everyone in check as to not lower the optic value of the building.

We don’t want loud music, that’s ghetto. We are a posh society that likes our music classical and low.

We don’t like animals walking around, this isn’t a zoo after all, keep them on a leash and off the expensive floors.

Etc etc, it’s the same thing with HOA being anal about everything ppl do on their own property


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j76rfsj wrote

>We don’t want loud music, that’s ghetto.

Or maybe the rule recognizes that it's not fair for one resident to subject others to his or her loud music.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbmxq wrote

Except that’s not true for the vast majority of high end condos in the city. I’m talking stuff like One57 or any number of Stern buildings.

Maybe that’s the case for coops as I’m not familiar with them.


ECK-2188 t1_j73znmu wrote

Rules are rules. Don’t like it? Don’t live there. No one is forcing you to.

Personally I’m a dog owner, and I don’t see this building’s pre-requisite to be unreasonable. Many buildings don’t even allow pets.


ooouroboros t1_j741wpb wrote

God forbid someone in a luxury building has to use a service elevator and have to breathe the same air as lowly maintenance workers and delivery folk!


queensnyatty t1_j74a245 wrote

What about the other people paying $7000 that don’t want to have to interact with an animal in their own home.

Pet people are the worst.


lex958 t1_j760ju7 wrote

Same with kids right? If only there were pet free apartment buildings.. oh wait. Also it’s not their “own home” that would be inside their own apartment, not the shared building ;)


queensnyatty t1_j76992y wrote

The fact that pet people are so delusional as to not understand the difference between an animal and a person is exactly what I’m talking about.

Get the help you obviously need.


lex958 t1_j769j8r wrote

Ohhhhh you’re the annoying neighbor with the screaming child, I totally get your frustration with dogs now /s lmao


queensnyatty t1_j76a1e0 wrote


cat_bunny t1_j76cei7 wrote

This is a phenomenal resource for overworked and tired mothers such as yourself who seem to think you’re better than others because you chose a cream pie over a dog.


lex958 t1_j76elu7 wrote

Or fathers! Anyone who chose to creampie or be creampied and create a screaming nuisance;)


lex958 t1_j76a4hq wrote

You should use it! :) love that you know where to get support for your entitlement and fear of dogs


lex958 t1_j769dmx wrote

Move to an apartment that doesn’t allow pets if you hate them so much. It’s a whole apartment building, it’s not your “own home”


cat_bunny t1_j76cfxp wrote

Better yet, buy a house and make your own rules!!


queensnyatty t1_j779wj5 wrote

I did move to such a building, but as I’m sure you and catlady are well aware, the severely mentally ill don’t have to follow the same rules as the rest of us.


lex958 t1_j77adoj wrote

Oh and you have a problem with the ADA and those who qualify under it? Bad take, my guy. Keep digging that hole of yours though.


queensnyatty t1_j77am96 wrote

I’m all for people like you getting the help you need, in fact I think we should reopen the state hospitals.


lex958 t1_j77avez wrote

What’s with the name calling? You just really be pressed and upset about this. Seriously, it’s nothing to be ashamed of if you need to reach out to that site.


Wild7878 t1_j76h52k wrote

Yes, kids and dogs are equally bad


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j76zxhl wrote

But yet my son bathes himself, and pisses and shits in a toilet. He also doesn’t make my entire house smell. Try again.


Daurdabla t1_j7bbtej wrote

Lol, trust me, your house smells, you’re just used to it. Also, I’m positive your son pisses himself and shit in his pants at a certain point.


lex958 t1_j76h916 wrote

Yeah there aren’t kid-free apartments though


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j76yiq5 wrote

Dogs are not kids.

The fact is a lot of people find having dogs indoors nasty. I’m one of them. To each their own, but I can’t stand being around them. I don’t want them brushing on my leg, leaving me to smell like dog. Or even worse, licking me or my kid. And my wife is allergic. To each their own. I get that people love them, and I’m ok with that. Thankfully we can avoid them for the most part, as they are not in many public spaces here. And our dog owners friends know this, so they keep them away when we go there. Obviously that’s not expected and we’re grateful, but the fact remains that we probably wouldn’t be visiting anywhere where we’d get molested by their house animals.

The point is that I’d be pissed if I chose an expensive place to live, specifically because of their strict animal policies, just to have them changed by an entitled dog owner that knew the rules of the building when he moved in


lex958 t1_j760upd wrote

Rent a house if you want to be picky about who and what you interact with


yankee100 t1_j766g38 wrote

And rent an apartment that doesn’t have rules about your dog if that is an issue for you.


lex958 t1_j766n9o wrote

Everyone has the right to pick the apartment with the rules they wish. Calling the entire apartment building “their own home” is pure entitlement though.


cat_bunny t1_j76c8lj wrote

So a child is better than a silent cat? You’re the worst kind of neighbor. An apartment is A PART of a building and you have no right having any in anyone else’s apartment. You need to get out of the city if you want a HOUSE that you actually own instead of renting with 8 million other people within 10 miles of you. Get over yourself and keep your crotch goblin to yourself.


lex958 t1_j76epg9 wrote

I still can’t get over the “their own home” comment lmao


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j770iu6 wrote

We’re literally talking about having animals in public spaces in a building though. To some, indoor pets are disgusting and they purposely may seek out a building with strict animal policies regarding to public spaces. How is it fair to them if these policies are suddenly changed to suit a very vocal, very entitled animal owner?


[deleted] t1_j77awmm wrote



phoenixmatrix t1_j7droa1 wrote

>Children are JUST as disgusting and I could argue that they should be banned from certain buildings too

That's a strawman if I've ever seen one. I'm no fan of kids myself, but society has considered them a special case for just about every rules since times immemorial, in virtually every country. I'd love to have more childfree spaces, but comparing kids to pets is just silly.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76i320 wrote

You were a screaming crotch goblin at one point in your life

Remember that


cat_bunny t1_j76i7hd wrote

Actually I was a scarily quiet child. The point that my cat is silent and I can hear my downstairs neighbors child screaming every day before going to school still stands. Knock it off, y’all are insufferable.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76ib38 wrote

Hmm, silent babies are usually an indicator of mental illness

Makes a lot of sense


cat_bunny t1_j76idzm wrote

Yeah I’m sure that the mother ignoring their screaming child won’t lead to any detriment.


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j77103g wrote

Yeah but your silent cat sheds all over your apartment and makes the place smell like piss. You don’t notice it because you live in the filth. I’ll take a crying child for a year any day all day.


cat_bunny t1_j77al96 wrote

Nope, litter robot and a vacuum cleaner makes a world of difference. Sorry that your experience with animals was so horrific. I bet you think children are gods gift instead of what they are: small humans that we make on accident.


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j79m0gh wrote

Yeah, no. Pretty sure your apartment still smells like cat piss. But that’s cool, it’s your place, not mine. To each their own.

Not sure how children could be god’s gift… there is no god.


lex958 t1_j76ihe2 wrote

And realized how terrible they were and chose to not make that mistake again? Lmao what’s your point?


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76inzd wrote

The point is babies scream, and we were all babies at one point

Reproduction is natural and a key aspect of keeping society alive. If you’re so against something that’s the fabric of society and humanity maybe you should go to Antarctica


lex958 t1_j76itpt wrote

There are plenty of children waiting to be adopted. I think I’ll just adopt and stay here, thanks though.

Dogs are also a natural part of life and living in the city, get used to it or leave :)


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76j0m3 wrote

Lol yeah breaking news everyone, adopted babies don’t scream

I never once complained about dogs, I think it’s possible to support both without putting another one down. And I’m actually from New York, so no I don’t think I’ll leave. I inherited a sweet rent stabilized apartment from a family member, my rent is 1100 for a studio in Manhattan. So yeah I’m gonna stick around for a long time


lex958 t1_j76j6d4 wrote

Why would I adopt a baby? I said a child, probably older because you know it’s mostly older children in foster care right? Not like you care about them, just about having your own.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76jabz wrote

I actually don’t want kids, I’m just not a selfish prick who thinks I’m entitled to living in a city of 9 million and not having to deal with babies


lex958 t1_j76jexr wrote

I’m just making the comparison to dogs. I never said I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with them.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76jihq wrote

Yeah, it’s not an apt comparison


lex958 t1_j76jm52 wrote

They’re both here and part of life, get over it. Pretty apt comparison.


queensnyatty t1_j76g44v wrote

Thanks for doing your part for the gene pool.


lex958 t1_j76gma0 wrote

At least I know what “apartment” means


cat_bunny t1_j76g8ll wrote

And god help us for yours :) isn’t it the sabbath? Is Reddit even allowed? Or does the Eruv make it accessible today? Sure seems like a lot of work to be so… yourself so early in the morning.


LouisSeize t1_j77buqr wrote

What in the hell does anyone's religious observance (or lack thereof) have to do with this thread?


jay5627 t1_j76pgwm wrote

Buildings where people own the apartments, often times have similar rules


SRL5 t1_j74rlyr wrote

Umm, some buildings don’t let nannies or housekeepers ride in residents elevators. I worked in one and all staff had to take the service elevator.


nim_opet t1_j77br7n wrote

I lived in one. My bf at the time was told (once, and we made sure it was the last time) by another resident that “the service elevators are in the back”….we suspect the color of his skin was what prompted it because I was there too and he was dressed to the nines, coming back from work, while I was back from a run looking like people do when they come back from runs…


SRL5 t1_j78vjud wrote

That is disgusting. She probably was just a sad lonely frustrated harpie who only felt better by acting that way. She probably has frown lines and will die young from her yucky personality.


nim_opet t1_j7993x8 wrote

It was a he, and he was Russian nouveau riche.


SRL5 t1_j799j2q wrote

Still disgusting . What I imagined is probably not ok as well- I always assume that behavior from what I described. I’m happy you left that building though.


The_Swoley_Ghost t1_j78tx8e wrote

I was one of those workers who had to use the service elevator. This was also a building with a full-time elevator operator. So the service elevator only worked during certain hours. One day I was leaving this particular building to go to another jobsite and I found out that the elevator operator was out to lunch or something. I couldn't wait 30 minutes for him to return so i took the normal elevator. The doorman started to YELL at me to get out of hte lobby and go back inside to use the service elevator to leave hte building. I tried to explain that the operator was not there and he very angrily told me that "workers are absolutely NOT TO USE the resident elevators."

He also informed me that he was banning me from the premises because I asked him "so you expect me to be late to my next job because your boy is out to lunch?"

I'm sure he can't afford to live in that building but he was sure defending the dignity of the residents like it was his own. Imagine the horror of seeing a lowly cleaner with a toolbox in hte elevator... the horror.


SRL5 t1_j78uanr wrote

Ha. But I bet the person you were going to work for wanted whatever fixed immediately! I would have told that person exactly how inappropriate the doorman was to you.


Daurdabla t1_j7bc5pm wrote

That’s not the point. It’s literally his job. Additionally most high end buildings have logs of people leaving and entering, including elevator used. The guy can easily get into trouble.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbxf3 wrote

Many luxury buildings don’t. However, not many have rules that owners need to ride service with dogs.


SRL5 t1_j7bc8ni wrote

Co op or condo ? I’m sure if you are approved by the board and pay a lot of money you can take your dog anywhere you please.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bcogq wrote

I’ve only lived in condos, but I know that coops generally have way stricter rules. I do know of condos that only allow service staff to use service elevator though, it really depends on the board.

However, asking owners to use service with dogs is not that common, at least among new buildings. As almost all new buildings are dogs friendly, it’s until the actually board forms that they might modify the rules.


SRL5 t1_j7bcubw wrote

I agree. You might have just chosen the most douchey building in the city.


Outrageous-Dream6105 t1_j74fkjn wrote

This is not new. I worked in a luxury rental building in 2004, and tenants had to carry their dogs. Also, the building had a weight limit for dogs - prospective tenants had to have their dogs weighed. We had a scale in the leasing office. I am not joking.


MakeMeMooo t1_j74qvn1 wrote

I live in a Riverdale co-op and our building doesn’t allow dogs (or pets, or strollers, or suitcases) in the lobby. It isn’t a luxury building at all. And tbh I don’t hate it. There’s a side entrance and a special elevator. Our lobby is super neat and always clean.


CavediverNY t1_j752gm5 wrote

My building has a “no new dogs” policy… So of course these selfish people move in, buy a dog and then announce that “it’s an emotional support animal”. The sense of entitlement is unbelievable…


phoenixmatrix t1_j7dreu4 wrote

I really feel for the 20 or so people in the country who have legitimate ESAs. I work in the mental health and accessibility field and have yet to see a single legitimate one, lol (yeah yeah, I know they do exist and are pretty common, but damn are the fake ones so much more prevalent. And that's just the ones from people who brag about how they are gaming the system openly).


johnsciarrino t1_j74o5rz wrote

I love dogs but not everyone does. Follow the rules or gtfo.


keysandchange t1_j76ceoo wrote

I truly hate the attitude of most dog owners that their precious pup should get to be everywhere.

“Well they never said no so I just bring her” This is a verbatim phrase from a good friend. But no, us cat ladies are the crazy ones.


phoenixmatrix t1_j7drvnj wrote

I "love" all the dogs in grocery stores (which are explicitly forbidden by state law. INCLUDING emotional support animals, as only trained service animals are exempts). Mommy can't stand being without her puppy for an hour, the poor thing.


the_bronx t1_j76d325 wrote

Bring YOUR cat, crazy cat lady.🤣🤣🤣 Imagine caring your "friend" brings her dog outside. Lady that's the whole point!

This article is about rich snobs, but you just revealed your toxic personality for the internet. Grab your pearls karen, I repeat, the internet knows you hate dogs.


keysandchange t1_j76e1cd wrote

She really is my best friend and I love that dog too! I’m happy to go anywhere with outdoor seating or eschew dining altogether and just take her for a walk with my friend.

But there is a definite attitude that dogs should be allowed everywhere, probably because dogs aren’t meant to be home alone for long periods of time.

Don’t make me a demon because I think not everywhere needs to be dog friendly.


NYY657545 t1_j76h3u5 wrote

Is this how NY Times does local news?


wonkiealf t1_j78tvb8 wrote

The NYTimes got rid of their "Metro" section years ago. They left such insignificant trifling to the NY Post and NY Daily News and if you ask me Daily News have given up news in NYC as well.


jay5627 t1_j74d974 wrote

There are so many buildings like this. Making a story out of nothing


waywardhours t1_j764ucz wrote

lol in my building it’s the humans you have to worry about (both children and grown adults) but it seems like that’s just a me problem so i’ll just let my comment drown.

on another note, oh gosh how terrible it must be to take a service elevator that other humans ride every day. it’s perfectly reasonable. and if you have the money to live luxury in NYC, you could definitely very easily find a place that won’t have a problem.


bsanchey t1_j7663im wrote

Correct headline rich people get inconvenienced y richer people. This is such a non issue. I think some snob at the times got upset they had to use a service elevator.


namenumberdate t1_j777i3c wrote

I live in a nice building in NYC that allows dogs. There’s shit and piss everywhere because people are assholes and can’t be trusted. I side with the buildings on this one.


alreadyPrettyEnough t1_j76g2uo wrote

My building isn’t even luxury, and they imposed that rule after too many skirmishes between poorly socialized COVID dogs. No one wants to deal with the liability of snarling dogs lunging at each other in the lobby.


mapoftasmania t1_j76ovm6 wrote

Carrying your dog means it won’t sniff around and mark. And as soon as one marks, others will want to as well. It’s a sensible precaution unless you want your building to stink.

And before you say “but I am a responsible dog owner”…. ….you might be but it’s the people who are not who are the reason this rule exists.


munsuro t1_j74ykpe wrote

Good. And yet it's always around "luxury" buildings that sidewalks are constantly smeared in dog doodie.


davejdesign t1_j76ghzk wrote

I'm surprised there is no mention of emotional support animals. My building (a coop) has a strict no dog policy. When I moved in 20 years ago, I resigned myself to the fact that I couldn't have a dog. Now, there are dozens of dogs in the building who are claimed as ESAs. When I mentioned it to the building management, they said they were not even allowed to ask about the nature of the ESA or to see the paperwork for fear of lawsuits based on ADA regulations.


phoenixmatrix t1_j7dr5r9 wrote

They definitely can ask/require a letter from a health provider, and can still kick them out if they're trouble. The former is kind of pointless though because you can't verify its legitimacy. Advocates insist there's accountability because you can look for signs in a letter to see if its fake, but truth is the information is so readily available, if your fake ESA letter isn't perfect, you need to learn how to google.


Abtorias t1_j74lmdp wrote

This is a rule almost everywhere.

My building has never allowed dogs but there’s like 10 families including myself that have one. Landlord came for the walk through once and pet my dog and asked her name lmao


jay5627 t1_j76q05j wrote

If your building doesn't allow pets but you've had one for at least (I think it's) 3 months without hiding it and no one has said anything, you're allowed to keep it


Wild7878 t1_j76gyu6 wrote

Boo gucking hoo. The fucking city stinks like dog piss from these entitled shitheads


AnacharsisIV t1_j76pkt1 wrote

In the doorman building I grew up in dogs weren't allowed in the lobby, you had to take them in and out through the basement. What's the big deal?


El_sayyid t1_j76op2c wrote

Fine by me. Dog owners tend to think everyone loves their dogs as much as they do. A dose of reality is good every so often.


kuberlog t1_j77lemv wrote

In other news, New York Times journalists don't understand reciprocals.


pow_enjoyer t1_j77vij0 wrote

Good. I don't like dogs, and don't want to deal with other people's badly trained pets pissing, shitting, barking,and jumping.


Sulohland t1_j76o7zs wrote

Nytimes is just so sassy with their news


MPRESQ t1_j77c37e wrote

1st World problem. Could not care less.


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_j77jbs1 wrote

We have the rules in our building, guess what? No one complies anyway.


Elli7000 t1_j78hfr4 wrote

Yeah, that’s a shame.


phoenixmatrix t1_j7dqkka wrote

That's....pretty normal? See it that way: some people are spending the same "7000 a month" and don't want to deal with your furry baby.

Unfortunately the prevalence of fake ESAs means its kind of a waste of time to try and enforce it.


TizonaBlu t1_j7baka5 wrote

My building’s average price is over $10m and we always allowed pets to use the normal elevator. Then after years, they recently changed the policy so that it doesn’t matter if you’re an owner or dog walker, you have to take service. New board apparently has some anti dog people. Which is ridiculous if you know some of these owners.

Anyway, we protested by just ignoring the rules. Currently, only one unit uses service and we all use normal. Sometimes you just have to get all your neighbors together to fight.


JesseRKnight t1_j7pke4p wrote

Organized rule breaking... that's not going to end well.


TizonaBlu t1_j7pp9hc wrote

Considering they've not levied any fines to anyone yet, I'd say it's going pretty damn well.


JesseRKnight t1_j7pph4x wrote

Wait until someone without a dog decides there is a rule they don't want to follow either... good luck.


TizonaBlu t1_j7pubc2 wrote

If a rule is so bad that a significant percentage of the residents do not follow it, then I would say that the rule shouldn't have been in place anyway.

Also, you must be fun during the civil rights era.


Brooklyn-Epoxy t1_j75rnl7 wrote

What about kids?


lex958 t1_j760gvq wrote

Right?? Everyone in the comments saying “but I don’t want to see your dog when I enter the apartment” okay I don’t want your kids asking me 20 questions in the elevator but you aren’t stopping them 🤷‍♀️


Doc580 t1_j7510bt wrote

Luxury building is what happens when you get a bunch of wealthy acting people in one building. I know most of my experiences with the wealthy acting is that they are particular about everything. That's saying they're assholes, but putting it kindly as to not offend some of those in the comment section.


[deleted] t1_j75e9vd wrote



oreosfly t1_j75exk4 wrote

Jesus fucking christ god forbid an adult has to pick up their doggie for just a few seconds or use a dedicated elevator

Sue me, but it surprises me that some of these so called "adults" can even function properly if that's the length they will go to for a pet. Do these people need to take a shit with their furry friend next to them too?


[deleted] t1_j75fm4l wrote



Mia1v t1_j75nr6p wrote

How about you stop suggesting that doctors do illegal and immoral shit, any doctor writing letters like that should not be allowed to be a doctor


the_bronx t1_j76ddxo wrote

Lol, speak to me in forever single.


oreosfly t1_j76oin0 wrote

I have an SO and a dog that I love as much as any human family member. But guess what - I can function while also following the rules! You know why? Because I’m a normal adult and not a fucking 5 year old


multiequations t1_j76tu2x wrote

An ESA is an actual medical treatment. There’re people who actually who need them to function on a daily basis. If you don’t have a medical reason, you are only ruining this for another person.