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Mattna-da t1_j76jv56 wrote

LGA should have flat fees like JFK. Had a cabbie take me on a scenic route up over the triboro before going to downtown Manhattan. I flipped on him when I noticed, my friend mentioned filing a report and the driver started freaking out because he knew he was fucked. He stopped near a cop and the cop had to settle it for us - we paid him half the meter and got in a different cab.


catschainsequel t1_j76n6be wrote

One tried to take me on the scenic route from LaGuardia to my home in flushing he could just turn onto the grand central and be there in like 5 minutes he tried to go long island express way. I'm like hey asshole what are you doing? I live here don't pull this shit. He quickly turned and went the right way.


ratticake t1_j77yvb6 wrote

Used an Uber or Lyft to try to go LGA to Astoria (shouldn’t even be 10 minutes) and I realized we were going the wrong way… I start seeing signs for JFK. Dude.

At least the app records the route taken and it was easy to dispute.


notqualitystreet t1_j7747n6 wrote

Jeez I thought NYC cabbies were supposed to be good