Submitted by siggyrambler t3_10t6a0z in nyc

First time occurrence for me, new to the city as of August. Basically the title, but just picked up a cab from LGA late at night and the driver refused to start the meter and tried to charge me a flat rate of $85 to the UWS. After five minutes of arguing, he relented and started the meter. Could’ve cost someone $45 if they weren’t paying attention or didn’t know any better.

Spent the ride filling out a 311 TLC complaint, but I don’t know if those really do anything 🤷‍♂️

TL:DR - Always check the meter is running (unless it’s JFK where there actually is the flat rate)



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switch8000 t1_j75l7qa wrote

They actually do investigate the 311 complaints. You will hear back in like 3-6 months.


akmalhot t1_j75mj9h wrote

What rhe heck are all the fees now? faee, state fee, congestion, Imp surcharge 1; Extras 2.50

What are imp and extra?


PorscheLover97 t1_j767tyq wrote

This has happened to me one too many times. Now I always verify the meter is running before continuing the ride. Or if they want off meter cash, I negotiate a price lower than what it’d typically cost/Uber price.


sergeantbiggles t1_j76hi9p wrote

I got a cab late at night once and the driver didn't even have his meter on. He way over charged, and so at the end I cut his price in half, gave him the bills in a wad, and just got out and walked away.


Captaintripps t1_j76ijdu wrote

Unlike 311 reports that go to the NYPD, the TLC actually does their job and takes them seriously. So there’s definitely a backlog, but someone is actually going to review your report and do something about it.


Mattna-da t1_j76jv56 wrote

LGA should have flat fees like JFK. Had a cabbie take me on a scenic route up over the triboro before going to downtown Manhattan. I flipped on him when I noticed, my friend mentioned filing a report and the driver started freaking out because he knew he was fucked. He stopped near a cop and the cop had to settle it for us - we paid him half the meter and got in a different cab.


catschainsequel t1_j76n6be wrote

One tried to take me on the scenic route from LaGuardia to my home in flushing he could just turn onto the grand central and be there in like 5 minutes he tried to go long island express way. I'm like hey asshole what are you doing? I live here don't pull this shit. He quickly turned and went the right way.


Law-of-Poe t1_j76os38 wrote

If you were riding a medallion yellow cab, you could point to the fixed fare listed on the side of the car.

Did you go to the taxi queue or grab one from the scammers at the exits.

Edit: no fixed fare from LGA


JoeWaubeeka t1_j76pekv wrote

Definitely file a complaint. I did a few years back against a cabbie who didn't wanted to take me to the airport and said "he didn't know how to get there". The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn. There was a hearing date set, and I agreed to appear (you can do so remotely). Guy pleaded guilty and was fined.


1eye_intheworld t1_j76vwag wrote

Did a TLC complaint just last year and like two months later i got a called to explain my side and agreed to appear but he plead guilty. In my opinion, I should’ve been reimbursed cause I’m not sure if that fine means anything to you.


siggyrambler OP t1_j76wl6m wrote

In a perfect world, my hope is that he’ll think twice before pulling that stunt on an unsuspecting person, if a fine sticks. Who knows how many times it’s worked in the past, and I’m sure he’s not going to magically stop because I called him out on it.

The reimbursement idea doesn’t bother me much because I paid what I expected. If anything, I saved with a stiff tip.


Timemaster88888 t1_j76y4wi wrote

I have taken a cab from JFK. It was supposedly flat rate but driver has a ton of sad stories to share the entire journey. Paid extra after.


mp90 t1_j770iwv wrote

I was very surprised when an investigator called me after I reported a possible credit card skimmer in a cab. It went to court even though I didn't feel comfortable attending (peak pandemic)


George4Mayor86 t1_j776j9w wrote

Man I can’t wait until the medallion cartel dies.


Towel4 t1_j777am4 wrote

Happened to me

Except instead of charging me the flat 50, he said “oh fuck I forgot to start the meter, wanna just do like 30??”

I thought for awhile about how I could be getting scammed but, couldn’t come up with anything.

Turned out fine.


redjessa t1_j778c7q wrote

This happened to us at LAX too. We were just catching a cab to take us less than two miles to the offsite long term parking to get our car. He insisted it was a flat $25 rate. My husband insisted he start the meter. They argued until we said, fine we're getting out. He started the meter and it's was a $6 ride.


Jota769 t1_j77b149 wrote

Seconding. NYC is actually shockingly good at investigating 311 complaints. I complained about a heat issue in my apartment that i reported and went unresolved for weeks. Got a call from my landlord literally two minutes after I filed the complaint and a repairman was here the next morning


Adorableboba t1_j77nhpv wrote

I had something like this happened years ago at jfk. The driver only reluctantly started the meter when I gave him a different drop-off point to a black cab company I knew. (This was before Uber and lyft fyi). I filed a complaint to T & C, and the guy was ticketed 500 dollar fine about 3 to 4 months later.


letgomygrego t1_j77p444 wrote

From experience, unless you filled a complaint with the driver id and not the medallion it goes nowhere...


AWildMichigander t1_j77sac0 wrote

I've had a cab driver from JFK to Manhattan try to add tolls to the ride. When we went over the Manhattan bridge a message appeared saying a $14 toll was added. Had to argue with him and he kept saying "No sir, there are tolls when you come into Manhattan, all of the tunnels and bridges". I had to literally stress to him I drive in the city and know you're trying to scam me. He took it off but I still filed the 311 - called in and he plead guilty to it. It's worth following up about.


ratticake t1_j77yvb6 wrote

Used an Uber or Lyft to try to go LGA to Astoria (shouldn’t even be 10 minutes) and I realized we were going the wrong way… I start seeing signs for JFK. Dude.

At least the app records the route taken and it was easy to dispute.


bedfordOG t1_j7848k1 wrote

Hmm. I noticed a significantly higher fare earlier this month from LGA to my apt...could have been the reason. Thanks for the heads up


domo415 t1_j78an38 wrote

This is why Uber/ Lyft / carshare etc proliferated so much. Shady things like this that cab drivers do allowed these companies to start and grow.


FP11001 t1_j78ge1j wrote

Had a LGA cabbie pull the same crap with my wife. She texted me in a panic because he was being aggressive. I had the town cop parked in front of my house on Long Island by the time they arrived. Issue magically resolved itself.


otrootra t1_j78lsro wrote

Flat rate from airport is how it works. It recently got raised to $70, $75 peak. After any tolls or congestion fees $85 doesn't surprise me.


Gb_packers973 t1_j7cs286 wrote

Ive had lyft drivers not hid ride complete once im dropped off until they are out of manhattan.

Gotta keep a close eye on that stuff.

Lyft does take care of it - they always say its a gps problem though, never blaming the driver


ADustedEwok t1_j7fza62 wrote

This is why I take Uber. Atleast the price is on the app. Tlc not pushing the meter and expects me to support them next time they protest.


azninvasion2000 t1_j7l52c8 wrote

$85 to UWS from LGA is ridiculous. If I am travelling alone, I always use Lyft share. I just checked and it is $30 from LGA to the Arthouse Hotel in UWS. I've lived in NYC since the 90s and haven't used a yellow cab in decades.